From Down Under - Thank you for your help during these bushfires


New member
We have a bit of a problem here in Australia as you might have heard.

It was great to see the arrival of firefighting experts from the U.S. arriving in Melbourne to back up the 160 people already here.
The people at the terminal clapped loudly as we do appreciate all help during these times.

My local firearms dealer has offered free ammunition to licenced people/farmers to put down injured stock.

I just nipped outside as I heard the sound of another water-bombing helicopter dipping it's bucket into Lake Hume.

I am next to the lake, a few days ago there was enough smoke to trip the smoke detectors if I opened the door to the workshop. Normally they only do that if I am brazing.

Here is a linky to the local area.

So once again. Thank you all.

* doggie *
A question.

Are the fires in this part of Australia a recent phenomena or have they been a part of the natural cycle for eons?

As you know, California is our fire State, or at least the one that gets all of the press. High winds and dry conditions at a certain time of the year allow fires to spread at an alarming rate. This cycle has been going on since time began, but of course is a acute problem now because people have built expensive homes in these areas, which are great places to live minus the fires.

Anyway, we can only wish you the best of luck. I can’t imagine the feeling of watching your life’s work go up in flames and being helpless to stop it.
and California's
"do not manage the forests"
has left tons of dead wood as a fuel to burn.
political failure to act is a large cause of the SIZE of some of the fires in ca.

A question.

Are the fires in this part of Australia a recent phenomena or have they been a part of the natural cycle for eons?

As you know, California is our fire State, or at least the one that gets all of the press. High winds and dry conditions at a certain time of the year allow fires to spread at an alarming rate. This cycle has been going on since time began, but of course is a acute problem now because people have built expensive homes in these areas, which are great places to live minus the fires.

Anyway, we can only wish you the best of luck. I can’t imagine the feeling of watching your life’s work go up in flames and being helpless to stop it.
Fires in Australia are not new. Summer fires are a big problem, and every 10 to 20 years we have historically had a very major fire. We have had 2 very big burns in the last 10 years. We almost had to evacuate the 2013 WBC in Sydney due to fires, but at the last minute the fires changed direction.
Ahhh, Sikorsky Skycrane. Yet another "military surplus" product, making a significant impact in the civilian world. Now produced for the commercial market by Erickson...

I don't get to spend much time with my bro but it is fascinating time when I can get him going. The view from closer to the inside is just incredibly interesting, like Jackie sharing his life with us. To read about the 'Gypsy Lady' then hear how things went down as told by the folks onsite.... he can talk first hand of "hundreds of homes" burnt down in OZ, because he's been there all thru this.... 16on/8off for 3wks at a stretch.... and on call 24/7.... cuz "birds in the air".....

I have been all through the Erickson facility and it too is wonderful. Like Dreamland for me. They have the facility to build A N Y T H I N G perty much..... the ultimate machine-shop

This job allows my sis to live the dream with their 3 kidlets.... They're completely off the grid up the Idaho panhandle yet live well with him on/off for weeks-long shifts. He travels the world following contracts with "his" bird and then comes home to nest....


I'm missing them a liddle ..... got maudlin there for a bit :)
Canadian Coulson C130 Water Bomber - Crashes in Australia

A Canadian C130 water bomber crashed fighting fires in Australia today.
Sadly all the USA crew onboard did not survive.

Our thoughts are with the crews family and fellow work colleagues during this sad and difficult time.

It was a horrendous weather here today, with high winds and a dust storm restricting visibility.
