Friends ThaiBoxer and MikeP57, Calfee



My friends:

If folks on this fine forum don't know by now, I don't like those big old, long, nasty, drawn out I'm starting a new one...sorry.

Friend ThaiBoxer: I asked a question on another thread: Why does a muzzle device have to be positioned past the muzzle, to actually "stop" the muzzle?

My friend, your answer in post #19 is is so very simple...I guess that folks believe that because muzzle devices improve accuracy so much, they must be complicated.....not at all.

Friend Mike57....I see this was your first post, #20 on the same thread as ThaiBoxer....your fishing are also correct....thank you.

My friends....some changes are about to be made in muzzle devices, both rimfire and centerfire.....down the road they may prove to be worthless..

Or, we may take another step toward .000" agg. accuracy.

I am an old guy, and a fool......

Your friend, Bill Calfee

It seems that the tendancy is towards 1/2 ounce increments. I don't know if that is optimal or just what you suggested and several people followed. But if 1/2 ounce increments are the best, then why do we even need the click adjustments? Seems to me that we could go back to something along the style of the original rimfire tuner with the addition of screw in weights and that would work just as well. Just a thought.
Friend Beau

Friend Beau:

Per your post: I quote:

"Seems to me that we could go back to something along the style of the original rimfire tuner with the addition of screw in weights and that would work just as well. Just a thought."

Friend Beau: BINGO!

Your friend, Bill Calfee

does all this mean that if we stop the muzzle of a given barrel that it will shoot all the "good" ammo, Good??????
What about all the different ammo speeds? Will a stopped muzzle shoot all speeds of ammo???? What about the different speeds within one given box?
Or will we still need to "tune". Seems that's where we are now?:confused::confused: Curious bill.....
I think that would work if the weights were light enough to simulate "clicking" through the adjustments of a tuner. IMHO without the ability to "click adjust" 1/2 ounce increments would be too much. The testing that I did prior to working with Roger on his tuner told me that .36 ounces would move the sweet spot approx 250 clicks. That was why I suggested 1/2 ounce increments to Roger. Based on that if I were to add weights, and that were my only means of adjusting to find that optimum spot, I wouldn't go higher than 1/8 ounce increments. Otherwise, IMHO, you could miss "THE" sweet spot.

Fred how far is 250 clicks? Is this like a 1/4" or a millimeter or two? I'm not familiar with tuners (they are illegal in my game - schuetzen), but they are interesting to me, and I don't understand what sort of sensitivity you are dialing in here. We CAN use muzzle sleds that can be set anywhere on the barrel, and that can affect accuracy like a tuner but I do not have any idea of what sort of increments I should test at.

That's 10 revolutions on a pretty fine thread...less than 1/2"....just divide 1/2" by 250 and move your sled in those increments 8>)
Fred how far is 250 clicks? Is this like a 1/4" or a millimeter or two? I'm not familiar with tuners (they are illegal in my game - schuetzen), but they are interesting to me, and I don't understand what sort of sensitivity you are dialing in here. We CAN use muzzle sleds that can be set anywhere on the barreel, and that can affect accuracy like a tuner but I do not have any idea of what sort of increments I should test at.


A harrel tuner runs from 0 to 500 .... 25 clicks is one revolution

Thanks Bill, I find this topic most interesting. Again thanks for the warm welcome.

Lynn Fred, et al, thanks, I get a picture of the distances involved. Sounds like a few millimeters at a time will be the range to play with. Right now it is 131 millimeters from the muzzle.

I this on a .22 so I can't load heavy and light unless I use high velocity and subsonic or something like that. I'll have to think about that some more. Maybe some different speeds of Eley Tenex would be doable. but darn expensive. Is this what you do with your BR .22 rifles and tuners?

I'll see if I can rustle up a picture of this thing.

BrentD: I'd sure like to see a picture of this this muzzel sled. Is it something you can just buy, or is it custom made? I'm thinking I'd like to try something like this on the old Ballard.....Plum

I shoot rimfire and I use two lots with a difference of 40 fps (or as close as I can get to that). Be carefull though cause the velocity on the box doesn't always reflect the speed of the ammo within. I had some 1047 and some 1085 that shot within 3-5 fps of each other over the chronograph. So you'll need to chronograph what you are intending to shoot to make sure that the spread is enough.

Bill, I do not think you are a fool, even though we disagree at times, I still respect what you have to say along with everyone else. I have tested some of these suggestions and still continue to test different applications regarding the tuner.

Tested your suggestion on different velocities mixed together, it wasn't 40 fps spread, but closer to 30 fps,(it's what i had on hand) with great results using 4 different lots.

The 4 perfect targets that were shot last year, the first tuner was locked down the other three were shot using solid tuners.

Fred has a valid point, using smaller weight increments, and will be testing his theory in a week or so.

Thanks to all of you who contribute and are willing to share your knowledge because it keeps me excited on the possibilities.

Take Care,
Friend Jetmugg

Friend Jetmugg:

If you obtain a copy of Precision Shooting, March, 2005, I describe the "parallel node"....

The article has been floating around the forums for a couple of years...maybe someone knows where...

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Fred, I can do the chrony for sure.

Plum, here is one that is commercially available. It works and I use one of these, but I have another that is much much nice that is custom made by a guy that doesn't seem to sell them to the general public for some reason. I'll try to get a photo of it in a few days, but I don't have a picture handy.

These are not required for shooting singleshots like my low wall, but they do help. They will work perfectly with your Ballard.


PS. you can find these at - search under "pope rest"

So Joe,
are you saying that your tuners are not adjustable? You determined the ammount of weight you needed and then added a solid piece of aluminium
to the end of the barrel?
Can you please explain what a parallel node is?

Friend Jetmugg:

If you obtain a copy of Precision Shooting, March, 2005, I describe the "parallel node"....

The article has been floating around the forums for a couple of years...maybe someone knows where...

Your friend, Bill Calfee
Which to me sounds like "Yes I can, but no I won't".