Friend Dan Killough, Calfee



My friend:

It's awesome that Lapua is putting up money if "their" ammo wins the next PSL match....and other folks are putting up money if "their" product wins....

Awesome!....simply awesome...

Dan, in the same spirit:

Bill Calfee will put up $ 10,000.00 if the next PSL match is won with a 146B Mossburg, factory barrel, and matter what ammo is used!
( even if there are no more shooters than there were at the first PSL match, 102)

(oh Dan, you need to make absolutely sure a 146B Mossburg won of course, as you fully understand)

Dan, the PSL is awesome! I love the target, like I said up front)

Wilbur, no thanks necessary.....

Your friend, Bill Calfee
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Bill, I just happen to have one of those 146B Mossburg, factory barrel, and trigger, I will have to ask Dan if it is legal. It used to shoot real good with Super Speed Hollow Point ammo. I will have to oil it up and clean it out with Hoppes and see how it shoots with Lapua. For the rest of you shooters, consider yourselves warned, "I am going to win it all". I want that money Mr. Calfee. I might let you off the hook in exchange for a couple of your 22 rifles if you can guarantee that they will shoot as good as my Mossburg.:)

I like a good joke, don't you?:)

Concho Bill
Is Calfee being his own funny people? Like I thought all along and heard from plenty. HE IS! Enough of your griping Bill. You sealed your own deal on this one. Be funny and I'm fine with that, I'll be funny, or anyone else, you be fine with that. Other than rules apply to you that don't apply to other's. I know your laughing because you pushed some buttons, but that seemed to be your gripe real serious in the past. But you did this in the past with much greater cunning and picked brains that the newcomers or unexperienced wouldn't understand, and laughed. But when you had something real important you wandered why them so called "funny folks" would ruin a good post. Crying wolf too many times will let the real wolf in.

Bet that next PSL equipment list will be full of 146B Mossbergs! Good post Bill C., that's a knee slapper fer sure. One of those metaphors, I do believe.
With just a little co-operation we can call his bluff. If all of us show up with one of those , that model will be the winner. How many of you can I count on to participate?
Friend Dan Killough

Friend Dan:

Last night I got to thinking about my $10,000 offer if a 146B Mossburg won the next PSL match.....and I said to myself: Bill, there's only two chances a 146B Mossburg could actually win the next PSL match, slim and none, actually only one chance, NONE, which makes my offer kinda self serving and hollow.

Therefore I am withdrawing my offer.......

Dan, I wouldn't be promoting rimfire benchrest much if I made an offer of support, knowing full well there probably wouldn't be much chance I'd have to pay.........

Your friend, Bill Calfee
If Dan will let you off the hook, I will too. Although I would like to have your money, It wouldn't have been fair to take it.:)

Concho Bill
Now i am confused

I thought this really was a Eley verses Lapua discussion in a "Kathy the Riddler disguise!?
well there went 275 bucks for nothing. hope no one else pulls out.
That poor guy on gunbroker has probably been trying to sell that rifle forever then all the sudden got swamped with requests...has no idea what happened.

Dang, This is worse than Wall Street. Before I could get mine advertised the bottom fell out of the market.:(