fresh meat


I guess before I narrow down my search from .22-243 I should keep in mind up to .308 until I shoot one. Daddy only has so much time as I Plan on buying/building for a private event on new years weekend. The clocks ticking...:cool:
Just something else to consider. Do you ever deer hunt in other states? In many .24 is the smallest legal caliber.

In answer to the gentleman poo-poo-ing 308 recoil... Try setting one up on a bench in a really slick front rest and rear bag and then shoot it free recoil. If you do, however, I'm not responsible for the dr's bill for the stitches.
Dump the 308 idea and go with 260.

260 is milder on recoil and is just a 308 necked down to a 6.5mm. A GREAT round.

What are you groups looking like? Can you attached some photos? Shoot 5-shot groups - it is easier to analyze and diagnose the problem, trigger or breathing, or both and more.


If you are getting black eyes from your 7 mag, the scope is undoubtedly mounted too far back. Just because a rifle kicks does not mean that the scope should hit you. Also, there is a big difference in recoil pads. Most factory recoil pads leave a lot to be desired.


I'll try to load some and pm you to not clog thread.

I'll look into the the bag setup and thanks for the concern, it really does kick like a mule, it's a rather long scope (bushnell) 4x12

I'll try to check out the 6.5 round is it named something else? I'll try looking into the remshoot ballistics tables for it shortly.

The Skull %&(king I've recieved was a long time ago sighting it in. I realize that the scope maybe a hair further back but with my frame, It feels great to rest my cheek in a natural position and open my eyes to a great view, maybe doing it incorrect but it leaves one less thing to think about when getting ready to fire...?
In answer to the gentleman poo-poo-ing 308 recoil... Try setting one up on a bench in a really slick front rest and rear bag and then shoot it free recoil. If you do, however, I'm not responsible for the dr's bill for the stitches.

Free recoil...isn't that the same as an accidental discharge???:eek:

Seriously, I have shot the 308 in free recoil and yes it is worse but I didn't go running nor did I need stiches. I even tried free recoiling my 30-416 benchgun a couple of times (big mistake but no stiches). But, that is not what he posted. His post was not "tell me what's best for 100 yard benchrest", his post was help me find an all around gun that I can shoot varmits, small deer and do some casual/informal target shooting and he placed it properly in the Factory/Hybrid section. Not a lot of slick bag free recoiling hunters out there I would bet! ;)
thanks for keeping on topic ;)

You wouldn't believe the t-storm we got today for nearly an hour and a half, no shooting this evening but I'm determined to "get er dun"!

I kick back with some boudin, and some Zapps (anybody know other than the La guy what in the hell I'm even talkin about???) LOL! Anyways I was watching a guns and ammo show and they showcased the stag arms/ 6.8 spc/m7 hunter with a 3lb trigger/ a 1:11 twist and an $1100 price tag! Anyone catch this episode or done any homework on it?

I don't know what all I want to add to the gun yet but the more I look into suppressors and muzzle flash breaks the more interested I am. The 1st step of getting the cal. narrowed down is a walk in the park I'm thinking compared to the next few puzzling selections that lie ahead. (Brands, barrel length/twist, optics(size, type and brand), bi-pod/shooting table/bags/etc. range finder and god knows what else I will have to narrow down to pick the ultimate...

no rest for the wicked...

I shot half a box of shelf 80 grain (remington core lokt) in .243 today. I would have to say for the goal of this gun that it kicks to much to consider being in the range of guns that I am narrowing down.

Question is...

Does this eliminate rounds larger than the .243, common sense is telling me that it will???

If so I guess my search will be narrowed down quite a bit, more like .22XXXX rounds I can only think of .220,.222,.22.250,.223.

I will have my work cut out for me, so any help on these 4 or a for sure winner, let me know,

I shot half a box of shelf 80 grain (remington core lokt) in .243 today. I would have to say for the goal of this gun that it kicks to much to consider being in the range of guns that I am narrowing down.

Question is...

Does this eliminate rounds larger than the .243, common sense is telling me that it will???

If so I guess my search will be narrowed down quite a bit, more like .22XXXX rounds I can only think of .220,.222,.22.250,.223.

I will have my work cut out for me, so any help on these 4 or a for sure winner, let me know,


To answer your question, if the 243 with 80 grain core loks kicks to much for ya, then YES all the calibers above it will definately pop you more. Common fact, the larger the bullet diam, weight, and powder charge for the same or close velocity, in the same weight of rifle, it is going to recoil more. The 220 swift, and the 22.250 when loaded to standard velocitys ie 50 gr pill at 3500 to 3900 fps are going to pop ya just as much as the 243 did. So I guess the only things you got left are the triple deuce, and 223.

Good Luck


How dare you post spam on an internet forum that specializes in maximum accuracy? WTFis wrong with some people? Nice reply to that I must say...

I find it hard to believe that the .22-250 will have the same kick as a .243 but I maybe wrong. I'll go and try to research the lb kick method someone posted earlier so I can compare, now knowing what to expect from the .243.

I'm thinking if I go .223 then it will probably be in a ar or sr platform. If .22-250 it'll be in a heavy barrel with suppressor and high powered scope.

back to the grind,
I like the .204 Ruger and .22-250 Remington for a varmint only rig.

.223 is cheaper to shoot than both. With 40gr bullets, it is on par with a 55gr .22-250 as far as trajectory.

A 1/14 twist heavy barrel factory rifle in .223 can shoot 52/53gr Match bullets for target(100/200 yard) or varmint.

.243 Win isn't very efficient for varmint rig.
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I know digging up an old post irritates some... Oh well.

I settled on a .22-250 in the Howa Axiom configuration. I would bet the .243/.308 would both be perfect in this recoil reducing setup. If you haven't heard of it, check it out.

I would like to thank all of you for your input. It was very helpful and led me to where I went.

News: I now own

Reloading equipment
(2) Ar-15's
rem 700 .223 SPS Tactical
Howa .243 1500 ranch hand (coyote edition)
Marlin .22 mag

All are sub MOA, I load for all centerfire. It's addicting and rewarding. My kids both are now interested in it and next weekend my oldest will go to her first 4-H event.

Thanks again folks!
I know digging up an old post irritates some... Oh well.

I settled on a .22-250 in the Howa Axiom configuration. I would bet the .243/.308 would both be perfect in this recoil reducing setup. If you haven't heard of it, check it out.

I would like to thank all of you for your input. It was very helpful and led me to where I went.

News: I now own

Reloading equipment
(2) Ar-15's
rem 700 .223 SPS Tactical
Howa .243 1500 ranch hand (coyote edition)
Marlin .22 mag

All are sub MOA, I load for all centerfire. It's addicting and rewarding. My kids both are now interested in it and next weekend my oldest will go to her first 4-H event.

Thanks again folks!

Good On Ya Robierto!!!

Looks like you jumped in w/both feeties and are enjoying the ride.......

Rock On
A light .308 kicks about like your 7MM Mag, maybe a little less.

All the others in .22 and 6MM kick less than, or up to the .243 Win.

Different bullet weights require different twist rates as shown here

BR is abbreviation for Bench Rest, indicates superior accuracy. "Bench Rest" is a broad designation for a class of shooting sports which allow resting the rifle.

All things considered and without boring you with a years worth of details I'll suggest .243 or 6MM Rem chambering if you're buying a stock rifle and Savage as the choice of rifle.

If custom I still recommend the 6BR 8" twist (unless you don't reload, it's reload only)

Regarding the statement about the .243 "dropping more" than the .22-250, this is a misconception. The .243 will do everything better than the 22-250 but it will kick a little harder. Comparing .243 VS 22-250 is like 12Ga VS 16Ga shotguns....the 12Ga is just better, but it kicks harder.



So as not to confuse anyone......
"Barrel twist is in rotations per foot." stated above.................... alot of people are confused about this.......
Actually barrel twist is measured in revolutions..... and inches...... not feet....... i.e.....1:10 means one revolution in 10"
Hope this helps........
Well you have confused me.
You 'QUOTE'/an Al post,but
type in your own quote about something else
wtf ?

So as not to confuse anyone......
"Barrel twist is in rotations per foot." stated above.................... alot of people are confused about this.......
Actually barrel twist is measured in revolutions..... and inches...... not feet....... i.e.....1:10 means one revolution in 10"
Hope this helps........
Well you have confused me.
You 'QUOTE'/an Al post,but
type in your own quote about something else
wtf ?

It looks to me like he took part of Al's statement out of the quoted area and inserted it into his own text -- maybe to draw attention to it? I know you think folks should "READ" the forum before asking questions, so you might look at post # 13. Whatever he did, for whatever reason, probably doesn't justify your earthy response. :)
Your reply makes sense, his does not.
I do not see the need to "correct" something that has been in print, unquestioned for over 6 YEARS.
Each to their own.

It looks to me like he took part of Al's statement out of the quoted area and inserted it into his own text -- maybe to draw attention to it? I know you think folks should "READ" the forum before asking questions, so you might look at post # 13. Whatever he did, for whatever reason, probably doesn't justify your earthy response. :)
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It looks to me like he took part of Al's statement out of the quoted area and inserted it into his own text -- maybe to draw attention to it? I know you think folks should "READ" the forum before asking questions, so you might look at post # 13. Whatever he did, for whatever reason, probably doesn't justify your earthy response. :)

Seems like we got either ".................."mikeinco" or "stool" ................back...... OR BOTH....????
I, too live in LA and have quit hunting deer, but I do carry two of my grandsons hunting. The last two deer that we killed were with the 6PPC and 68gr. match bullets. One deer didn't move and the other ran 40-50 yards. Neither required a second shot. The younger grandson wants to shoot the .223 that I gave him, but I am a little hesitant to use that round. I loaded some 53 gr. Barnes Triple Shock bullets for the .223, but they wouldn't shoot in a 5-day slop jar. I guess they didn't like the 14 twist Lilja 3-groove barrel. This barrel will shoot 52gr. match bullets into 1/2 inch or better but it doesn't like the solid copper Triple Shocks. I don't know if the problem is their undersized diameter or perhaps they are too long. Anyway I am a little hesitant to use the 52 gr. match bullets and will probably use a 6mm Dasher with 105 VLD's.

Back to the original question, I would recommend a 6mm Br or a .22Br for use as both a target round and for deer. Good shooting...James Mock