Fred Wells Mauser Actions

Had one up until 2 yrs. ago when I gave it to my daughter in law. Shot fine looked good. what do you need to know?
Had one up until 2 yrs. ago when I gave it to my daughter in law. Shot fine looked good. what do you need to know?

Well am having one built by Chuck Grace and it is going to be pretty much a one of a kind rifle with a half round half octagon Krieger barrel with machined rib and front barrel band turned and chambered in 416 Rigby by Speedy, the stock will Macassar Ebony, the square bridges will be machined to take the scope mounts. What is really odd about this besides the way the action was found is that it is SN 001 and Brand New!! Cannot believe that I was able to luck into this one!!

Did not know very much about Ken except that he made the best and this is my first “African” rifle so to speak but it will be wicked!
Not really one of a kind, but sounds like a nice rifle. Your not using ebony for the whole stock are you? Who is doing your stock work?
Well according to Chuck Grace the VP of the ACGG it will be and the stock will be 100% Macassar. It should not be confused with other types of Ebony as it is some very tough stuff with a specific gravity of 1.06 and was used by the sword builders in Japan for handles/scales back in the day as well as guitars currently. I have the nicest piece of Russian Circassian that Adam has ever come thru Luxus according to him plus lots of English and a few really gorgeous Screwbean pieces but Chuck wanted to do this wood after he put the chisel to it!

I have another huge blank (88lbs last time I weighed it) to be used for my heavy gun but it is still drying. Very beautiful and it will be a shooter – hopefully will have some test targets to go along with it at the Guild show in January. That reminds me I have to call Dave about the reamer—Speedy is specific on what he wants but hey the only interesting rifle is an accurate one right!

Still working with the Scope manufacturer about what will be on top of it but if it works out it will be magnificent!!
There is going to be a lot more machine work on the barrel including the full length rib, machined barrel band for the sling attachment. Also the action will have machine work on the bridges to accommodate the custom one off mounts.

Can't wait to see it and shoot it!!
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I know that Chuck will do whatever the customer wants, but has he told you how brittle the wood is. On a heavy kicker you may end up with several pieces in your hands after firing it. You may want to get some opinions from some other guild members. You wouldn't want to waste a piece of wood or the expense of stocking[$3000-$6500 labor] and have it in your hands in pieces. Check with Duane Weibe, Al or Roger Biesen, David Christman, James Anderson, Bill Soverns, Mr. Goudy, Chic Worthing, or other ACGG. member.
Butch--are you familiar with the specific properties of Macassar? Not many people are and the way I found out about this was trap and sheet shooters like to use it as the guy who I get a lot of my wood from sells it to them. Know some of the folks you have listed and have talked to others including Dennis Potter but the Macassar will be fine on this rifle. As I said before very few people are cognizant of the properties of this wood and most of those have never even seen any of it but as they say ignorance is bliss. Embrittlement from drying is not the concern that it is with Gaboon ---- Gaboon chatters on the chisel and the band saw yes it is very brittle as Chuck tips all of his stocks with it that require a fore end tip. Macassar does not exhibit the same properties as it is not as brittle also avoid the center of the heart wood when laying out the blank (I have personally seen this with my own eyes) and it cuts like a heavy dense walnut.

Have done hundreds of hours of research and talked to many people including the folks that import it, cut it from the cants about the use and strength of this wood for my application. The people you have listed have not or at least they have never built a rifle stocked in Macassar and displayed at a Guild show so I doubt that they are completely cognizant on the specific properties of Macassar. I have a large piece that is now dried to 88lbs and it will be used for another project. The proof will be in the product as the test groups will be with the rifle if it is finished in time for me to shoot it (besides test firing) at the range.

There were those that thought Roy Weatherby was wrong for using screwbean but we all know what a outstanding stocking wood that is – just heavy which is BTW one of the primary properties I was looking for out of the Macassar.

If you go to the Guild Show you can take a look at it and judge for yourself. BTW this was Chucks idea......
Boss[as Speedy says]
I will defer to your vast knowledge of wood along with other things. I guess the aforementioned craftsmen know nothing of fine wood.
Look just because you don't know everything don't feel bad---even old dogs can learn new tricks!:D

Also I did not say the people who you cut and pasted off of the ACGG site did not know anything about fine wood I only spoke specifically of Macassar. This is just simply above your knowledge and comfort level--don't feel bad.:D

If it breaks --- I will send you pics!!:eek:
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Well Lew,
He has always had a thin skin. He has a big scooter and now he is after a big gun. I guess I better let him have the last word as it is important to him.
Big Grin
No thin skin here----just not sedentary yet! One thing is for sure Lew you and your crook buddy Ron will never see this one.. LOL!! :D
Dave, that statment is the 2nd time you mentioned it on this site. The story I heard from several people is that YOU got really took by him and didn't even know it. If he took advantage of you. He is who he is. You on the other hand are like Bill Calfee a major blow hard. You also don't know anything about me. I just help him at the shows and have nothing to do with his deals.
Your issue is with anyone who won't agree with you and when they don't you atttack them. I know Butches reputation is without blemish and he was offering you some information to be helpfull. But you replyed back with a snooty and demeaning condsending manner of I know it all and I am OZ. Dave listen to your elders and you might learn something.

Lew--If You Only Knew How Much Fun We Had With You At The Shop!!!!

Told so many different stories about flying jets and different stories about how you got your feet it was just hilarious—what a pantload not even you knew what story your were telling! Now don't go away mad just go away--yep ole Ron did skin me on a deal many years ago that is correct and I did not have a bore scope or even know how to use one back then. Thank God someone told me that they did not build the rifle---just put a finish on the barrel that they always put on guns they build. Ron is the one that said they built it.

Found out later that that is a common thing Ron does is to switch parts around on rifles and then lie about their origin but I have learned my lesson—btw with all of the guns Ron sells did he ever get a FFL? One would think that selling hundreds of rifles every year one would need one? Hey you stand next to him not me--birds of a feather flock together...
Boss[as Speedy says]
I will defer to your vast knowledge of wood along with other things. I guess the aforementioned craftsmen know nothing of fine wood.

Here are some of my less apealling blanks--Chuck is holding the rifle we had at the show last year and one of the ones I am taking to NM on Friday. The last one is still green and I have several more that are even nicer that that one. Macassar is not the only wood I use:D.
Lew--If You Only Knew How Much Fun We Had With You At The Shop!!!!

Told so many different stories about flying jets and different stories about how you got your feet it was just hilarious—what a pantload not even you knew what story your were telling!

someone told me that they did not build the rifle---just put a finish on the barrel that they always put on guns they build. Ron is the one that said they built it.

Found out later that that is a common thing Ron does is to switch parts around on rifles and then lie about their origin but I have learned my lesson-

birds of a feather flock together...

Gentleman, what do you think?

Glad you like it

I hope you are very happy with the stocks, but it isn't very pleasing to my eye. Way too much darkness in the wood to be pleasing to me. I would rather be able to distinguish the grain of the wood rather than have to find something that isn't grain, but that is just me!

With that said, your one of a kind rifle sounds like most of the rifles I have seen exhibited by members of the Guild, who was it you said is building it for you?

I am not defending Butch as he can do that for himself, but when you attack a guy just for making a suggestion, you don't come across as a nice guy. You can be the authority on something and still have a suggestion made to you if you are a decent guy without responding the way you have.

Butch does some very fine work and we all have seen some of it. I highly doubt he would have made the suggestion he made if he didn't feel he should have. Why not show us all some of the very fine work that you must be able to do???????