Forster Co-Ax Question

I like the primer in the drawer.
That reminds me of Quasar TVs in the 1960s.
They had the works in a drawer.

I just ordered another Co-ax press a few minutes ago.



I modified the one I have to swap jaws in a few seconds while blind folded.
I got an extra set of jaws and drilled a hole to keep the jaw assembly assembled.

>From Forster:
028271-046 WEAR PLATE $3.60
028271-039 JAW PRESSURE SPRING (2) ea.$1.44
Instead of the Allen head screws now used to hold down the jaw assembly:
028271-020 10-24 X 5/8 INCH BUTTON HEAD SCREW (4) ea.$1.55

>From Enco:
4-40 flat top screw
#43 drill
4-40 tap
90 degree countersink drill

The screw captures the springs and jaws between the wear plate and housing.
The countersink hole in in the wear plate.
The threaded hole is in the housing.

The next thing I want to do is make [on the mill] my own shellholder jaw housing.
Can you see how the Forster part is getting bent?
That is because it is too narrow at the center, and when a case gets sticky in a sizer die and they get pulled apart, the housing gets a hump bend up in the center.


  • Forster Co-Ax Jaws Mod Bottom View tiny.jpg
    Forster Co-Ax Jaws Mod Bottom View tiny.jpg
    21.1 KB · Views: 419
  • Co ax with cap head screws.jpg
    Co ax with cap head screws.jpg
    56.1 KB · Views: 656
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You are going to make my reloading bench even better! The drawer idea is ideal, and since I was going to have a drawer there anyway, will use it for a primer catcher. My only change will be to use a tupperware container in the drawer to easily dump the primers.

- Phil