For Ebb- Tuning preloads

Uthink Uknow

New member
Are there guys out there tuning at the range with loads they have made at home?
Will a tuner take care of tuning at the range?
Are there guys out there tuning at the range with loads they have made at home?
Will a tuner take care of tuning at the range?

Yes. I go to every score match preloaded. Tuning during the match as temp changes is no problem at all. I rarely shoot a group match, but I don't think there would be any difference.

Are there guys out there tuning at the range with loads they have made at home?
Will a tuner take care of tuning at the range?

For the last two seasons, I have been using a chart I made for tuning my 30BR based on air temperature. At first, I wasn't so sure it was working. But late last season, I increased the load on my 30BR by 0.2 gr. and modified the chart. Now it seems like it is working. In fact, in a shoot last year that was forecast to be a particularly cold day, I decided to increase my load a bit more, thinking that I needed to compensate for the cold temperature. That turned out to be a mistake. The next shoot, in similar temperatures, my standard load worked well again. So based on a limited sample of just two rifles, tuners seem to work with preloads, IF you start with the right load.

The load is near the upper end of a ladder window, when the theory says it should be in the middle. But it's hard to argue with the improved match performance.

You mean its not the same every day, even the same the next season?

Not sure if your question is for me or Rick, but my preload has been the same for about a year, except for that one unsuccessful change. The tuner is set by temperature according to a thermometer that I put on the bench. The tuner gets moved as needed, typically before every relay.

First of thanks for this thread. I used to shoot with friends at least a couple a times a month and it all went away when Jon aka "Octopus" passed away. He was trying to teach me how to tune my rifle. He had a copy of a paragraph or two reprinted from this site I think. It was a bunch of rules the author used when tuning his rifle. He had decided that at his node every 1/10th grain of powder equated to so many fps and when the temperature changes so many degrees, the powder charge had to be changed a 1/10th to keep in tune. This "method " of tuning was pioneered by a well known shooter that had many wins to his credit. I had all intentions of copying these instructions but we went to the range and it never happened. But this method tuned by changing powder charge. The idea that I can make very precise preloads when I am at home and not being rushed makes much more sense to me. My rifle was bought from the classifieds here and one of the guys that shoot with us developed a load for me before I touched the rifle. And when the weather matches my load it shoots very good, but I cant get the weather to be right on command. They said I didn't know enough to shoot VV133 it would drive me crazy so the load is with H322. Ive thought that, that would be my load and I would preload if a barrel tuner was capable of making all the tuning changes necessary to stay in tune no matter what the weather was or how much it changed. If this is indeed possible, what tuner do you use and does it come with the chart that MKS talked about in his post. Cause that chart has to be worth more than gold.
The above is exactly what I use a tuner for, in addition to a wider tune window. You will however, have to make your own chart. Although, I don't see the chart as valuable as you because of several things, but it really boils down to how easy it is to tune with a tuner. I build and sell a new tuner design that works great. I encourage anyone to go to my site and read up on them. Essentially, tuners all work the same way. I simply feel mine is a step in the right direction in vibration management and tuner design. My site is Feel free to call if I may be of help. I hope to soon have the results of vibration analysis testing. Some big names in the industry have been doing some testing of their own, with very positive feedback to me about the testing.
For anyone that would like to see one, here's a pic of a centerfire version of my tuner on a 1.25 straight barrel.
tuner 003.jpg

Here's a link to a study on particle dampening done at Texas A&M University.

Maybe best of all, the very first match I shot with this new tuner and a known load, tuner setting, etc., I tied the UBR custom class record with it.

To say I'm pleased with them, is an understatement, but all tuners do essentially the same thing and work the same way. I feel like mine has some qualities that I think are improvements over other designs, but the particle dampening is what separates it for the most part, from the rest. I simply feel like it is a step in the right direction where tuners and better vibration management are concerned. They do include instructions as to how I go about setting and using a tuner. The benefits of the pdt design over others is less muzzle displacement and a nice wide tune window.--Mike Ezell