? for drop port shooters

Is it possible to mill the "drop port" opening large enough to eject a 30ppc and a 30BR? Would it cause any problems with the 6ppc? It sure would be nice if one port had the capacity to cycle all 3 rounds.
Just askin...... :)

You only have to slightly open up the neck area of the drop port. The length works out fine as is. I also had to change the angles on the drop port in the stock to make it totally reliable with the 30BR. Mainly this involves making the rear angle a bit closer to vertical and making the outlet oval instead of round. I have a PPC bolt face and rebated the rims. Fortunately the brass lasts just about forever if you anneal it every now and then.
stiller drop port

I have 2 stiller drop ports an early one {whole rifle jerry built and one i bought from a friend, The second one i bought fro my friend has the rem style breech and both work excellent. No problems with eithe one. They are slick and i wouldn't hesatate to buy another if i needed one. Being a lefty both work fine the left port right bolt and the right port right bolt.