First Timer to Super Shoot- advice

I'm a newer BR short range shooter(got 6PPC rifle last July) and I'm going to some of the NBRSA Matches this year to shoot. Holton, WWCCA, and the Super Shoot. What kind of cart do you use to haul all your stuff around in to the different relays and where do you get them? Also where do you guys stay? Camp, Hotels or where? Retired and ready to go. I think I have all the equipment I need but add something I might have forgotten.

I didn't see where anyone told you about money. Bring lots .;)
Dave, you're right, in the real world I don't have much of a chance, but I'll be there having fun and learning form some people. The only way to get better is to shoot with people that want you to get better and have positive advice, not the negative people who put you down for being a newbie!:cool: