First NBRSA Registered Score Match - World Record

Lee Hachigian

Active member
First NBRSA Registered Score Match -

Rich Quigley won the "first" NBRSA Register Score Match at WWCCA today. Rich shot a 250-13x at 200 yards shooting 30BR in a Swindlehurst action. The conditions today were fairly mild with little wind and temps around 30 degrees. However, only three shooters remained clean, with Joe Krupa finishing second and Ron Robovitski finishing 3rd. There were 16 shooters braving the cold weather. Most shot 6ppc, unless noted.

Top Shooters:
Rich Quigley: 250-13x (shot 30BR)
Joe Krupa: 250-7x
Ron Robovitski: 250-5x

Tim Bassham: 249-12x
Lowell Hottenstein: 249-10x
Ken Hottenstein: 249-4x
Larry Feusse: 249-4x (shot 6.5GR)
Dominic Grunas: 249-3x
Kevin Clinansmith: 247-5x
Dana Raven: 246-3x
Chuck Green: 245-5x
Fred Eggert: 241-1x
Wallace Beauford: 240-0x
Walt Clinansmith: 238-7x
George Feldaum: 238-2x (shot 30BR)
Lee Hachigian: 230-1x (shot 260 Remington)

Picture of the winner (Rich Quigley):

Some of the brave souls:

View of the conditions from my bench:

Ken and Lowell Hottenstein getting ready:

Better dress warm:


As always the crew at WWCCA did a great job running the match. Next Registered Score match is scheduled on Feb 21st.

See you there,
Lee :D
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Congratulations Rich, that isn't easy to do on a good day let alone when you are shivering!:)
From what I understand, there is no NBRSA records issued on a tryout year of a program (this is from a Director Halblom). Nevertheless, to shoot a 13x at 200 yards is outstanding in any event. Way to go Rich!

Lee :D
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That is some good shooting Rich, wish I could have been there to shoot with you guy's, but then, there isn't any snow on the ground here. What TRAIL year is that Lee, Ann Arbor Trail or would that be TRIAL?:D:D

Dan Honert
Good Shootin Rich. Either way you beat a bunch of guys that braved the January cold.

On another topic, At the just past IBS meeting while discussing the AR format that IBS will be trying out, it was mentioned that there are no "World Records" for 2 years in an introductory class. After 2 years all the match reports are viewed and the top score is the New World Record. Has anyone heard this before? It sounds reasonable to me.

Good Show

Somebody had to do the first one.

Down here in Houston, we complain when it gets below 50. There are certaily some brave souls up in the cold tundra.

Good shooting, Rich. You can say that you did what no one else will do, win the very first NBRSA Registered Varmint for Score Match...........jackie
Happy Camper

Many thanks to you all for the good thoughts and kind words. It really IS a thrill to get your first win!!
Happy days to all, Rich Quigley

Many thanks to you all for the good thoughts and kind words. It really IS a thrill to get your first win!!
Happy days to all, Rich Quigley

good shooting. If the NBRSA officially accepts score shooting I'm sure you will be among the contenders to establish a record.