first class rifle

I tested 9 different lot numbers in 4 different guns and in my #1 gun all 9 lots averaged together .193 the ammo I bought agged .150 in all 4 guns averaged together. That was indoors about 30 degrees.
The range was 50 yrd and they where 5 shot groups

You may have just run into some bad ammo, or you might just have something loose like scope bases, or maybe bad bedding. It's hard to tell why your gun is shooting so poorly, but I would hold off a little before I considered getting rid of the gun! You might try rebarreling, that usually helps.
What are you saying? Surely you're joking? Richard Gorham definitely knows what he's talking about and he answered the mans question, and very well I might add.
Your post is insulting to Mr. Gorham. He's built some of the best rifles in the country the past couple of years. Look it up, if you don't believe me.

I'm with Pacecil.

I think Richard should take all those barrels off immediately and ship them to me. I'll take care of them for him. I feel so bad for him, to have had that kind of luck with so many barrels. I'll even pay the shipping.

Tony :p
Kent Owens......
What are you saying? Surely you're joking?
Your post is insulting to Mr. Gorham.

You think it's a joke for a shooter to be having accuracy problems with his rifles? A lot of shooters come on this forum to get help with their problems - just because you are getting good results doesn't mean everybody is. What is it I said that you consider insulting?
Never mind, I see you were joking. It's hard to tell with that dry humor you ahve time times.
You know, people complain that none of the smiths or top shooters ever post on this forum, they complain that the forum has no useful information any more for that reason. Then when Richard posts and gives a guy an honest answer to his question, oh well, surely you see what I mean.
Never mind, I see you were joking. It's hard to tell with that dry humor you ahve time times.
You know, people complain that none of the smiths or top shooters ever post on this forum, they complain that the forum has no useful information any more for that reason. Then when Richard posts and gives a guy an honest answer to his question, oh well, surely you see what I mean.

Kent, are you ever going to learn?