I want to try no COW. The question is do I have to keep it pointed up to fire?
I definitely point straight up, for many reasons but most because I'm lazy
Using only powder has some drawbacks;
#1, it uses a lot more powder
#2, it doesn't work well for the PPC blowout. I use bullets and an old barrel. Luckily old PPC barrels and cheap bullets are available to me. I use .22 bullets
#3, it's hard to do in the rain
#4, it's messy when yer elbow hits the doorjamb on the way out to make thee noise.
#5, also IMO it puts just as much wear on the barrel as firing conventionally, so if you're using your gun just fireform at the range, on a target. Always something to learn! When I fireform on target I use the lightest bullet/fastest powder load available. And of course do not vary the load!
#6, if you do choose to fireform with powder-only in your Match rifle IT WILL MAKE BEAUCOUP HEAT!!! Let 'er cool every 10 shots and for me, I swab it out with a conventional wet cleaning at the same time.
Also some benefits
#1, other than using an actual bullet, it's the only way I've found to make pressures consistent. I can absolutely take fireformed cases to a match or sell them to a customer knowing his gun will shoot to my accuracy standard. My cases go in wikkid TIGHT and fall back out into my hand. They load and chamber with no perceptible 'feel' but so tightly fitted that a thread from a cleaning patch will disallow closure.
#2, of course you can do it at home (altho making a bullet trap into the dirt in the back yard is within most folks' means)
#3, properly blown out cases will be straighter, last longer and most importantly to me they can be trusted from the get-go, they're ready in one firing.
#4, you don't have to clean the gun. Even though FACTUALLY cleanliness has little or no effect on pressure,
#5, it makes longer cases.
I make a fake "barrel" or use an old barrel but in any case I tried with no barrel and the noise was unbearable. Generally I wear a glove, hold the gun by the barrel with the muzzle a couple feet over my head..... I can't remember the last time I fired one with a stock on..... (but I do CLEARLY remember each time that trigger hooks my pantleg on the way up LOL)
Incidentally..... It's entirely possible to ruin any case larger than 6BR in one shot using only powder. I slappp them clear out in one swell foop....Which leads me to believe that (I in particular) am fireforming with pressures in the excess of 80,000psi which, _may_ preclude me using a shottygun! Altho with inertia being what it is I dunno if it's actually relevant. Don't quote me on the pressure and most certainly the event is MUCH shorter than when pushing a projectile.
Also incidentally..... next time you're firing powder-only, ponder all the total CRAPP you've heard about how muzzle brakes work and how "jet effect is a large part of the recoil".... and BLAHH and BLAHH and BLAHHH!!
so there's some a' my thinks FWIW