Fireform 6PPC/6Beggs

Yeah, he was a man who didn't understand limitations. He just went ahead and did it. God, I miss him

Jerry, he did think out of the box, tuners, metal stocked BR rifle, a clamp on the muzzle to tighten the bore a couple tenths, funny looking wind indicators, and other things. One of our members here bought his lathe and moved it west.
I was able to visit him in the hospital during his last days. Glenn Chism and I mowed and tidied up his yard for him. He was a great friend.
After he passed

Jerry, he did think out of the box, tuners, metal stocked BR rifle, a clamp on the muzzle to tighten the bore a couple tenths, funny looking wind indicators, and other things. One of our members here bought his lathe and moved it west.
I was able to visit him in the hospital during his last days. Glenn Chism and I mowed and tidied up his yard for him. He was a great friend.

Butch Lambert helped his widow sell some BR things. I bought a select shilen that Shelly acquired from the maker. I still have the blank. It looks wonderful down the tube and for some reason can't bring myself to get it chambered??
Butch Lambert helped his widow sell some BR things. I bought a select shilen that Shelly acquired from the maker. I still have the blank. It looks wonderful down the tube and for some reason can't bring myself to get it chambered??

Gary, it actually his daughter. She was a very fine young lady.
Jerry, he did think out of the box, tuners, metal stocked BR rifle, a clamp on the muzzle to tighten the bore a couple tenths, funny looking wind indicators, and other things. One of our members here bought his lathe and moved it west.
I was able to visit him in the hospital during his last days. Glenn Chism and I mowed and tidied up his yard for him. He was a great friend.

I remember trying to walk around all the machinery in his garage. I'm surprised the slab supported the weight of all the stuff he had in there. IIRC the lathe was a 16X40 Victor. I remember when he turned it on, all you heard or felt was a faint hum.