

Jason Stanley
Related question to the Salt bath thread. Talked to Joel K last night. He mentioned that if someone wants to treat their barrel they should do it before firecracking starts. I'm not sure firecracking is - how to see it - or what causes it?
thanks in advance


Caused by the heat/pressure of the combustion process. Starting in the throat area of the barrel. Looks like burnt Crocks hide :eek:Bore scopes are the best way to see it although when it's bad you can FEEL it when cleaning (rough/tight) from carbon/copper buildup.
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Thank you Roger. How detrimental(sp) is firecracking to accuracy? I assume it can't be good when it gets bad, but what about when it first starts? Are there any guidelines/approximations of when it starts in a 30BR? Just curious. Thanks again
Something I learned

when I got my borescope; some of what I thought was Firecracking was carbon fouling. After cleaning it with JB and Iosso the Firecracking was gone!