finally did it



After kicking around geeting an action, brl.and stock and putting together a 6BR Norma for the last 10 months, I finally took the plunge yesterday. Ordered a Savage single shot action, a VLP stock and a select match Shilen no turn neck brl. Lg. lug as well. I never installed a brl. before and I do not have the wrench or vise either so I will probably have it jobbed out. This is my question. Upon looking in the Brownell cat., I noticed that there are match GO Guages. Would it be benificial for me to use one of these instead of the Sammi spec guage? What would it do for me.
I got some loading info from the 6BR sight but was wondering which loading manual has loads in their book for the 6BR.Norma. I have the Sierra reloading book as of 2 years ago and also the Hornady of the same age, but they only show for the 6BR Rem. Will I be able to use these loads as such?
For some of my other varmint rifles, Sav 223 for one, I use Lapua brass and neck size only. And get very good results from it. On the 6BR sight I read where they said that a type S FL die was the way to go. Should this cart. not be necked sized only. I can't see where it would hurt,but only customize the case to your chamber. Am I missing something here?
It will be fun working with a new cal. next spring and I feel like a kid on Xmas morning just knowing I will have something new in my hands next week. By the way, the brl. twist is 1 in 8. Any good ideas on a bullet? Thanks all.

The 6BR, along with the 6PPC, is what I like to refer to as "hot rod rounds". Both are mind boggling in the accuracy department, and when the Rifle is built to Benchrest Standards, can push bullets at a amazingly fast pace considering the small amount of powder at ones desposal.

For the 6BR, don't even consider using anything but Lapua Brass. It is heads above any thing else out there. The stuff is so good that for any Rifle short of an all out Benchrest Rifle, you don't even have to worry about turning necks, or any other of the overboard stuff that we get caught up in.

I would give Dave Kiff at Pacific Precision a call and see what is the most popular neck diameter to use with a Factory Lapua Case. A .273 will probably be just right, but Dave sells a lot of these things, and gets feed back from satisfyed shooters. He also knows the correct web diameter, (head end), to grind the reamer to be used with the Lapua Brass.

In reality, there are two 6BR Worlds. There is the world of loading manuals, 50,000 psi pressures, and sane velocities. Then, there is the Range World, where you see shooters with custom, tight tolerance Rifles shooting those things at velocities that are obviously not found in loading manuals. And, the bullets all seem to go into one hole.

As for sizing, just get you a Redding body die, (it full length sizes and bumps the shoulder), a Competition neck sizing die, and a Competition seater. That is what I use in Benchrest Competition, and it makes phenominolly straight ammo. Also, the Redding body die sizes the Lapua Case just right using one od Dave's reamers.

Full length body size from day one. That is an old wives tale that neck sizing only is more accurate. Benchrest Shooters, who all, (just about), full length size, have proven that full length sizing is the way to go, especially when you want to get the "most" out of what is a really great little round.........jackie

Jackie, thank you for the answer's and comments. You are right about the Redding Comp. dies. I have them for my 223 and they work just great. OK, so the body die should do me just fine along with the comp. neck size die. And I was planning on useing the Comp. seater as well. And yes, I was going to use Lapua brass. The barrel that is coming has a .272 neck. I guess as I go along working with this cart., I will be running across many different loads which can be tried. But, can I use the 6BR Rem. published loads for the 6BR Norma? I am aware that the case is a little different in dimensions. Maybe a call to Sierra tomorrow will get me straightened out. Thank you very much.
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Full length body size from day one. That is an old wives tale that neck sizing only is more accurate. Benchrest Shooters, who all, (just about), full length size, have proven that full length sizing is the way to go, especially when you want to get the "most" out of what is a really great little round.........jackie

Agreed 100%, my 6BR is a tack driver and I FL everytime, I just use a Small Base Bushing Die and a Wilson Inline Seater instead.
I started off using the body die as Jackie suggested you do. It’s a great Die but after 3-4 firing's I started getting the click at the top of my bolt lift. I read a post here about some of the shooters switching to Small Base Dies with good results. I tried it and the click was gone. I've since changed barrels but haven’t tried the Body Die with this chamber, it shoots too good to change anything. I still use the Wilson Inline Seater. 30.6 Varget, 105 Berger VLD just touching and the CCI450. Yes, Lapua brass as well. .269” neck in the chamber, loaded ammo measures .268” in case you’re wondering.

Forget about Sierra, or any other commercial loading data.. When you start shooting rounds such as the 6BR and 6PPC, there is a whole different world of performance out there. In all honesty, these people simply do not "get it" when it comes to these particular offerrings.

Go over to, by far the premier web site for this chambering. Shooters who frequent that site know the potential of the 6BR, whether shooting 68 grn match bullets out of a 1-14 twist, or 105 grn bullets out of a 1-8.

But I am serious about getting to the range and associating with shooters who shoot this fine round up to it's full potential. Take advantage of the wealth of knowledge out there from shooters who shoot thousands of rounds a year, and know from experience how to ring the last bit of goody from a 6BR.........JACKIE