final polish on stainless??


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Lawton poished! PICS UP!!

I am polishing my Lawton 7500 series action and it is coming along quite well. I have done a ton of research before and while doing this process. The info i need is regarding final polish. I dont know weather to use red rouge or the white? The info available here on the web is somewhat contradicting. Can someone please offer up some info? Thank you gentlemen! Lee

Here is what i have gotten done thus far. I will document before and after pics later today, after clean up is done. What a mess!! Looking good though!!

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The red rouge is for softer metals like brass and gold, the white is for ivory ,plastic, and resin's. The red will do the job, but if you have some extra fine green that will bring out the mirror finish with most metals.
here are some more pics. I am finally done. This took the better part of two days and i am beat!!! This is a lot of work to do correctly. Well i think i did it correctly. Sure is wbeautiful, well worth the effort. The red gun is a pic of what the actions look ike before i polished. I will do the red gun next weekend. One a weekend is plenty!! Enjoy and tell me what you think. Thanks Guys!! Lee



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I ran back out to Sears after i posted the question, as that is were i bought the rouge, and re-read the directions on the back of the package (i bought the rouge several years ago) and the box said that the white was a medium duty rouge, and the red was a final for precious metals?? I dont know exactly how to translate all that but with my testings the red looked much better as a final step. So thats what i did. I will read some more on the subject and see what i can come up with. I am happy however with the results and very well may just leave it as is. looks good to me, and thats what counts. If anyone has some more info please share as i have another action to do. Thanks. lee