feinstein bill


scott mims


rifles shotguns and pistols

list at the bottom of the page of them

157 named firearms

still... one of the bills that also bothers me/us is buying bulk ammunition they want to pass a bill that you have to register that just like a firearm. us benchrest shooters buy alot of brass/bullets/primers/powder/barrels ect........

also read on the next post
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you notice it says has barrel shroud or threaded barrel.. it does not say has a barrel threaded at the muzzle.. all a barrel shroud is a cover over the barrel to keep from burning your hand, or some call it a hand guard. but a threaded barrel could mean anything. I dont like it at all.

most all barrel's are threaded. that could be a loophold to get all guns. might hold up in court if it passes.
She has a been a pain in everyone's side since day one, what does it take for the public to legally push / force her out of office. It would make life allot easier and it would send a strong message to the rest of those just like her.
Shall not be infringed...

Infringed means limited or curtailed. I'm not shre what part of that word liberal socialists like her don't understand!
So whats new?' Shes always proposing Gun control, Brady campaign receiver of campaign funds. Shes the poster child of the Democratic partys agenda of banning firearms posession.
People better wake up before they find them selves in chains. The Massa wants to hold you down.
We can complain all we want, but what we need to do is go after our congressmen and senators to stop this idiot from California...and if that doesn't work we need to march on Washington...this will be the last stop for liberty and I will not tell my grandchildren I didn't do all I could to save their freedom!!
I'm reading it now. It's 122 pages of dreck and I'm sure I'll find some interesting idiocies that help me write better letters with specific objections. For now, though, it's a slow and tedious read.
What I've read says that the Dems have 6 senators against the bill, meaning it doesn't have even a senate majority much less the 60 needed for if there were a filibuster. Now Obama will try to accomplish the same thing through decree.
Any law that deprives us of constitutional right is an immoral law and we are not obliged to Obey.
That said take a stand and remember to vote in the comeing elections. The NAZIS Blumberg , Shumer and Guildebrand have struck here in New York, Don't let it happen to you in your State.
Cuomo is another one subscribing to the philophsy . The only reason they are in office is NEW YORK CITY who votes them in.
I've Got a NEW YORK STATE Pistol permit(cc) Unrestricted I've had it since 1969, they don't give them out anymore. So why the hell can't I own what I want? Finger printed, back ground checked and mental check. I should be able to own what Obama's bodyguards have! There is more to this crap than we think.

Joe Salt
She has a been a pain in everyone's side since day one, what does it take for the public to legally push / force her out of office. It would make life allot easier and it would send a strong message to the rest of those just like her.

She gives me a pain a bit lower and around the back more than in the side. She's from Snafarisco, and they love her like they love Nancy Pelosi so she'll be there until she falls over or decides to live off her ill got gains and leave us alone. I'm thinking that she won't do the latter.
We can complain all we want, but what we need to do is go after our congressmen and senators to stop this idiot from California...and if that doesn't work we need to march on Washington...this will be the last stop for liberty and I will not tell my grandchildren I didn't do all I could to save their freedom!!

Our Glorious Leader has apparently decided that military commanders who will refuse to fire on American citizens need to be replaced or driven out, so any march on DC complaining would likely be met by the military called out to "save us from those terrible gun people". People who used to say this sort of thing were considered to be paranoid and delusional, but most everyone can see the handwriting on the wall if they happen to look.
Bus Funds

Gerry I propose we start pulling the funds together for the bus ride to DC.

I feel you would be resposible enough to be the one to hold the funds for the round trip.

The bus can start from upstate were you are and pick up the klin on its way down to protect are rights.
Ok By me Russel, lets get a lot of people so we have several busses' lets get a CONVOY of busses""
How about a millon man March or even more" Lets get it together Vets,,, TEN HUT" FALL IN"
Time to put up or shut up'' Wheres the NRA?
Right now there's a march scheduled to all start capitals on February 8th, but the crazy governor that you guys have in New York might lock all of you up....remember he doesn't like honest tax paying Americans....he can't control them!!
He wouldn't dare' He's a sniveling Coward like most of New Yorks politicians.
You have to remember who he married . A Kennedy'''
A good, old-fashioned pancake breakfast / fly-in would send a stronger message and be less tiring than a long slow bus ride across the country.

A few thousand airplanes converging on a few small airports around the capitol for free cakes at 7:00AM would be a sight to see!
Even if they shut down everyone who filed a flight plan a very strong message would be sent.
Mass marches accomplish nothing. The media minimizes it, the politicians ignore it, and the liberals counter it with their own demonstrations.
Was anybody here really impressed with the Million Man March?