Feedback From The Tunnel

Now with Beggs back from the Cactus and a good finish he can tell us how he tuned!

Hi Jerry

Yes, the Cactus match in Phoenix went well this year. I finished 6 in the LV grand and 19 in the 2 gun.
There were 157 shooters. Conditions were very nice both days but we had a little sprinkle Sunday morning.

I shot my original Hall rifle that Allan Hall and James Messer built for me in 1988. It has a Bruno taper Krieger 13.5 barrel chambered in 6 Beggs with a Beggs tuner. Scope is a Leu/Tucker 36.

The following was the load and tune shot all the way through. Cleaned only after a yardage agg.

Lapua 220 Russian brass, right out of the box, expanded to 6mm and neck turned to .011.8. No change to original 220 Russian body taper or shoulder angle. Flash holes and primer pockets were never touched.

48 clicks (Jones measure) H-322. Wolf SRM primer.

Scott Haywood 68 grain BT bullets .....

The tuner was set to zero for first match of LV 100. First test group in almost zero conditions was a little ragged with both vertical and horizontal. One mark adjustment 'in' and the second test group looked worse. Went back to zero and made one mark adjustment 'out' and next test group was much better but still a bit of vertical. One more mark 'out' (now two marks 'out' from zero) and the rifle shot a dot!

Tuner position never moved more than four marks (two marks either side of zero) through both days of shooting. Morning lows were 57 to 60 degrees with afternoon highs of around 80. No changes were made to the load. Any adjustment when conditions called for it were made with the tuner.


Gene Beggs

Great shooting Gene. Thanks.

First time tuner impressions

I started reading Gene's thread a few weeks back (big mistake) and it peaked my interest.
So I decide to thread my new HV barrel that I already had chucked up in the lathe waiting to be crowned for one of Mike's tuners.

Right before the Cactus... (I like trying new stuff at the big matches, it's a sickness)

1st impression: It does something!
2nd impression: It's repeatable!
3rd impression: It doesn't keep you from starting in the wrong condition (Can you fix that Mike?)

Except for the 2 groups I started in a sucker (wrong) condition 1 at 100 & 1 @ 200 the HV shot well.
Settled on the 31.5 mark on the tuner (@ 3/4 turn out on my rifle) based on the practice day,
and only moved it once a half a click in to check during the match but went back to the 31.5.

Also tried Gene's off the lands which didn't work on my LV (no tuner), still at jam,
but really allowed the tuner to flatten out the vertical more readily on the HV at .030 off jam then at jam.

Not nearly enough trigger time on it to make a definitive statement, but overall my initial reaction for someone like me who tunes to the barrel and then pre-loads for matches it is going to be a revelation.
I think I will order another one to put on my new 30 BR barrel I am doing next month.

Thanks for all the info, and I will keep you guys updated on what I find as I continue down the path.

PS: Finished 26th in the 2 Gun not up to my goals, but you can't shoot a couple of big ones and expect much more, so overall I wasn't to disappointed.
I know this is Gene's thread feed back from the Tunnel at any rate
I thought i would offer this for what its worth may not be a lot
I have been using a tuner for the past 4 years. In my experience you cant skip past your normal bullet seating depth work.
Do that work up without the tuner then set the tuner
Some trying one for the first time might skip this and incorrectly think the tuner is junk
I know this is Gene's thread feed back from the Tunnel at any rate
I thought i would offer this for what its worth may not be a lot
I have been using a tuner for the past 4 years. In my experience you cant skip past your normal bullet seating depth work.
Do that work up without the tuner then set the tuner
Some trying one for the first time might skip this and incorrectly think the tuner is junk

IMO, IN CENTERFIRE the primary mission for a tuner should be to bring a BARREL into its optimum tune. I. E. Take the best load you have developed for that barrel, then using the tuner to see if it can be made to improve that setups performance. THEN, within a match see if you can use the tuner to stay in tune.

Just randomly blundering along, using the tuner as an ADDIONAL ELEMENT of tuning you are simply adding to the confusion of getting to an optimum tune.

IN RIMFIRE the mission of the tuner is completely different since the tuner is the ONLY component available, within a particular lot of ammo, to improve performance.

Different thinking process for each!!
