Federal Gold Medal UM22 & 922A


Jon Leary

A new Champions Choice catalog came in the mail today. They have UM22 listed at 1,450 a case and 922A listed at 900 a case (5000). Any one tried it? Must be something new. Jon
Rumor has it that it is RWS R50. Perhaps the rumor is because it's price point is same as R50? No one I have talked with has found any for sale yet. Federal usually announces a new product long before you can actually buy it. Do let us know when you find some to purchase. I'll do the same. bob finger
new fed

someone has a picture posted over on r/m central.

fed ammo

i bet it wont outshoot the ely black box at 9.99 my cost. ill guess we will see.

i bet it wont outshoot the ely black box at 9.99 my cost. ill guess we will see.


Bob, with all due respect, don't you think you should maybe shoot at least one real match before the ammo endorsments?
If it's really RWS R-50, I got two words- George Barnard. Two years ago (or was it three?) he took his motorhome, his dog, and his Swindlehurst and two lots of R-50 on tour around the Northeast and cleaned house just about everywhere he went. I know he shot at least one 750 agg IR50/50 Unlimited match with it.

Like any other ammo, you won't know if it shoots until you try it in your gun.
No big deal

Federal hasn't had any big advertising push, so this must be something they don't manufacture themselves. Kind of like Remington getting Eley to put their name on their boxes.
CCI and ask them. They are the manufacture for Federal.

Federal, CCI, Speer (and many others) are all owned by Alliant Techsystems. They're the world's largest manufacturer of small arms ammunition (They own Lake City and a few other plans).
The new Federal Ultra Match ammo is made by RWS in Germany. It's made to Federals specs and not repackaged R-50. But, I think it's a safe assumption that it's gonna be very close in performance to R-50. I havn't pulled any apart yet and compared the components.

The new ammo does not have the dimple, it has nothing to do with the old Federal ammo.

The new ammunition has a "F" headstamp, not the RWS headstamp.

I shot some today and was pleased.

More options are always better in the ammunition world.
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is the cost ganna come down any at all? from what i have been reading on here it is kinda pricey. higher than the good lapua you know. it would be great to see a qaulity match grade ammo made here in the u.s.a. at a affordable price. not made to a american companies specs in another country. it could help keep the price down to a reasonable level and give the american shooter a since of pride to shoot a american made hogh qaulity ammo from a american maker again.
Top of the line

As for cost, I can buy TENEX, cheaper, and it has a current proven record. For that matter, Eley Team at half the cost will outshine many others on the market.
I know its been years, but....It still brings an angry tear to my eye to think the Fed UM1 and 900B are lost forever.:mad:
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As for cost, I can buy TENEX, cheaper, and it has a current proven record. For that matter, Eley Team at half the cost will outshine many others on the market.

i have to agree. i use eley match black box myself and just simply can't think of buying the federal for that price. the eley is shooting well enough that i simply can't see paying more for a unproven ammo. until the price comes down to human range and it proves to be better than the eley i have now i see no since in trying it.

i still have a case of 711b. it doesn't even compair to eley or lapua in any way. the lot shot great for me till i started testing eley test lots and figured out this stuff is crap compaired to eley and lapua!!!!

i know that federal is able to biuld high quality ammo, they just aren't interrested in doing it. out sourcing it to rws just backs it up!!!

to give you a ideal of how old this case is it has a lot#7br565. i was using it alot then i found out just how good eley and lapua really was when i tested lots of it!!! for the money the out sourced ammo can't compete!!

biuld it at home by american workers and keep the cost down to american ammo levels!!! then talk to me about it!!!!
If everyone will think back to when fed was really shooting good it was $2.00 higher than eley, lapua, rws. So much for American made to keep the cost down. They knew they had a great product and we would pay the price for it. They are like any other company they want to make the most they can - it's called free enterprise.
The real problem Federal had was at the time the $US was very high and that made imports cheaper, it was hard for all US made products to compete, factories moving to China etc ring a bell? Your just lucky at the moment that the pound is in worse shape than the $US or you’d be paying a lot more for your Eley too.

I've shot a 750 with the R50 too.

The real problem Federal had was at the time the $US was very high and that made imports cheaper, it was hard for all US made products to compete, factories moving to China etc ring a bell? Your just lucky at the moment that the pound is in worse shape than the $US or you’d be paying a lot more for your Eley too.

I've shot a 750 with the R50 too.


Peter, Federal got sold, the line shut down, not enough volume. It had nothing to do with anything moving anywhere.