Favorite movies?

It will be hard to stop but here goes:

In Harms Way - Terrific Cast

Second Hand Lions - What a hoot.

Spirit of St. Louis - Fantastic history of aviation stuff

The Glenn Miller Story - Jimmy and June, you can't beat em

McClintock - On of John Wayne's classics

Casablanca - Just the best there is

Maltese Falcon - I love the period banter of Bogie's

The War Lover - McQueen and Robert Wagner

LeMans - Best car racing movie ever made.

20,000 Leagues under the Sea - I am a sucker for Jules Vern

Fate is the Hunter - Glen Ford aviation mystery

The Sixth Sense - At the end you go, No Shxt!

12 O'Clock High - Gregory Peck is great

I'll stop there as I could go on typing.

For pure escapism, I really enjoyed the Indiana Jones films with Harrison Ford. I also liked the early James Bond flix with Sean Connery as 007.

This is a really good thread,
unless you actually know something about formula one...
most of the actual driving shots with actors are fourmula fords( 4 cyl 1600 cc's) with an extra set of exhaust pipes to make it look like a v8....the problem with knowing a sport...easy to see what the masses miss.
yes i use to work formula one, indy car, nascar.........
not a bad movie...
LeMans - Best car racing movie ever made.

For pure escapism, I really enjoyed the Indiana Jones films with Harrison Ford.


I liked the first one and the third one very much. The second was a typical sequel, and the fourth was one of the worst movies I've ever had to sit through.

Speaking of Ford, I'm kinda surprised that nobody has mentioned Star Wars yet. Maybe it's too "new school" for these old boys? Ha, I never thought I'd think of something made in 1977 as "new school"!:D;)
OK, let's step it up a bit....... now that TV shows and series are available to watch at leisure, like really LOOONG movies, anybody else enjoy 'Monk' or 'House?'

'Band Of Brothers?"


I've always got kids in the house, we enjoy setting down to a couple episodes of 'Cheers' or 'Northern Exposure'.......some of those older series hold up pretty good when viewed in sequence over months instead of years. And some of them are unwatchable!


Just to clarify, LeMans didn't have any formula cars in it. It was all GT and Prototypes for the 24 hr race.

All the cars that Steve McQueen used in the movie were actual types that ran in the race.

I used to own and race that stuff.

Mike & Bob, I think that you are talking about two different movies. "LeMans" was about Sports, GT/ , and Prototype race cars. The movie "Grand Prix" was all about "Formula One"

I liked them both, I love auto and motorcycle racing.


I believe you are spot on. Grand Prix was a James Garner movie and they didn't actually use F1 cars.

McQueen was a for real racer (motorcycles and cars) and owned and competed in a lot of Sports,GT and Prototype racers. He lost his shirt making LeMans as he was such a stickler for accuracy in the film.

One of my favorites.

The Rounders - The best comedy western ever made IMO, it starred Glenn Ford, Henry Fonda and was filmed around Sedona,AZ long before it turned into what it is today. The horse in the movie practically steals the show. If you haven't seen it try to find a copy, it is on TV from time to time but not very often.


I believe you are spot on. Grand Prix was a James Garner movie and they didn't actually use F1 cars.

McQueen was a for real racer (motorcycles and cars) and owned and competed in a lot of Sports,GT and Prototype racers. He lost his shirt making LeMans as he was such a stickler for accuracy in the film.

One of my favorites.


Steve McQueen was "THE REAL DEAL".

A couple of favourites:

The Terminator. If you think the killer in No Country for Old Men was relentless, how about theTerminator. Arnold was perfectly cast for that role.

The other is Once Upon a Time in the West. More brilliant casting with Henry Fonda as a cold blooded killer.
"Once upon a time in the West" I liked Woody Strode's short role at the beginning of the Movie. Fonda and Bronson were brillant.

"Race with the Devil" Peter Fonda and Warren Oates. Surprisingly good.

Steve McQueen was "THE REAL DEAL".


Yes he was. And as for "Grand Prix" and "Le Mans" I would suggest you go back and search Popular Mechanics and Popular Science magazines in that time frame. The reason that McQueen had $$$ troubles w/ LeMans was they used the real cars as well as real footage from the race. And Grand Prix was filmed using era real cars, not formula Vees in disguise. And they were both shot on the REAL tracks. The Grand Prix filming was the last time cars were run at speed on MONZA as well as many other tracks. Those films were not the current "make the fools believe" paradigm. They were the real deal.
This one was quite hard to watch .

Shake Hands with the Devil


The story of General Romeo Dallaire's frustrated efforts to stop the madness of the Rwandan Genocide, despite the complete indifference of his superiors.

yep i got the two mixed up..but
here is data on the grand prix movie...
"The F1 cars in the film are mostly mocked-up Formula 3 cars made to look like contemporary F1 models"
so maybe not formula ford..but just one step above..and way below f1.

steve mcqueen owned a 908 porsche...that was so quick and he was so fast..that at a national race he LAPPED the entire field twice...with only the second place car actually on the third lap ...all else were way back....
mike in co


I believe you are spot on. Grand Prix was a James Garner movie and they didn't actually use F1 cars.

McQueen was a for real racer (motorcycles and cars) and owned and competed in a lot of Sports,GT and Prototype racers. He lost his shirt making LeMans as he was such a stickler for accuracy in the film.

One of my favorites.

The Rounders - The best comedy western ever made IMO, it starred Glenn Ford, Henry Fonda and was filmed around Sedona,AZ long before it turned into what it is today. The horse in the movie practically steals the show. If you haven't seen it try to find a copy, it is on TV from time to time but not very often.


Whatever suits you tickles me plumb to death.