The bearing in the sliding plate is just a spherical bearing. It shouldn't wear out. The shaft has to slide in the inner bearing race to work. The shaft may have a little wear. If it were me, I would see if Farley would send me a replacement shaft or make one. You will have to grind the OD as a .0003 slip fit will cause a little slop. It needs to be exact.
I have replaced my bearings. Both bearings are epoxied to the shaft the handle goes on. There is a small spacer between them. The front Bearing is epoxied in the bearing housing ( the part with the plastic plug you can see from the front) it slides in the main housing. The rear bearing is epoxied in the bearing plate. No bearing race slides on any shaft. I don't know what my issue was. It felt like the glue on the tape had a little ''give''. It was very minor, and went away after I removed the tape.????
Farley will sell you new bearings. It's an easy job.
Butch, your tension screws are a great upgrade, love em.