Fairfax match 8-23-09

steve stanley

Well-known member
We had pretty good conditions for the match at Fairfax today with just enough condition to keep the range honest for the most part but with enough switches to catch you if you weren't careful. Hal Drake won VFS with a 250-24x score, with Herbie Llewellen 2nd with 250-23x and Freddy Ridgeway 3rd with 250-23x also. Eddie Harren won VH with a fine 250-20x score with the 6 power gun( some mighty fine shoot'n there Eddie). We had a light turnout with 19 guns on the line but we had a good time and were on the road home by 2 pm. The match ran well thanks to Wayne and Hal for calling the line and Ray for scoring. The Morgan crew was missing in action so Hal, Dale Lewis, Johnny Whorley and myself filled in for them and we got'r done with out too much trouble. Thanks to all who helped and to all that came to shoot, we couldn't have a match without you all. Congrats to all that shot well and especially Eddie on that VH score, that's gitten er done with a 6 power gun. See ya at the range, Steve
Thanks Steve

for the great report and for doing your part to make the match happen. More of us need to realize that WE have to make it happen, as youse guys did. Good on all of ya.
You are absolutely right Pete. At many ranges where we have the privilege to shoot, its the work of a few competitors that keep things running. What a lot of folks don't see is a few dedicated souls that show up several hours prior to the match to get everything ready. From target labels to stapling and getting the backers set, Steve's always there to lend a hand...and now he's dragged a couple more buddies into the fray who aren't afraid to get their hands dirty either. Can't thank them enough...
Thanks Pete and Hal, we are pretty lucky in this area as a lot of competitors are willing to help if needed. Herbie ask me Sunday if we needed help just say the word and I thanked him for the offer but we had things covered. We have a great regular crew that does a great job but I always offer my help because without them we can't shoot. Wayne France, Hal Drake, Ray Beauchesne, Mike Morgan and his Family usually carry the load and it is appreciated by me and others. Steve
I also failed to mention that we had a couple visitors from upstate PA that shot with us Saturday at KC's and stopped by and shot with us Sunday at Fairfax, Jim Brooks and Joseph Petrikonis. They said they had a good time and we enjoyed having them shoot with us, They seemed like good ol' southern country boys cept'n for the accent :) I hope ya'll guys had a safe trip home and we get to shoot together again in the future. Steve