eyes sight and scopes ?

i use the slip on x4 no problem works great isn't loose at all.
i think if you went to an eye doctor now 20 years later they
might say it's time to set herbie free.
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i went to the eye dr. last year and i go every three months to my MD. they look at it but still no cutting....got e-mail back from bullzeye pro..they couldn't answer if the screw in fit the v24 so i ordered the 4x ultra brite slip on $133.00 with shipping...that way i can slip it on other scopes:cool:
exactly, one of the reasons i did that. i put it on my old tasco 12-60 power
scope one day must have been about 75 or 80 power the target at 50 yds
looked bigger than holding it at arms length without the scope.
variable scopes

Before I got this CZ I have all I had used was 4x scopes and a 3-9x40 I put
on an air rifle. the hardest thing I had to get used to was using the eye piece
to focus the rectial ONLY! I was used to using it to focus the scope. Since
I wear bifocals as well I just shot without my glasses, this was ok when
shooting but not cool if I had to write something down!:eek: so one day I
was talking with the range master at the range and he was the one that got me straitened out. just use the eyepiece to focus the rectical and see if that
helps.:D DA
i got my 4x ultra brite today, it's awesome...it:) makes those xhairs stand up to be counted