Extraction Cam Dimension Question


New member
What would be the maximum extraction cam dimension you would expect to see or tolerate on a new custom Remington clone before fixing it or sending it back? It seems by previous posts on the subject the ideal dimension would be close to or at .010" from the front face of the bolt handle to the rear of the action face. On actions I have recently had my hands on I have had anywhere from .010-.022”. How large can this dimension go before you think it starts to become a problem or not optimum? .015", .020"? Just for comparison I have a new Panda in hand and it is right at .008”
Matching the drafted extraction cam angle machined into the handle to the receiver's rear ring is important.
The handle LOCATION dimension/clearance of +.010" works well for a sporter rifle.
TIMING the handle for it's intended purpose is paramount.

If the handle was located & timed in the battery position-one has missed the boat!!
If the handle was located & timed in the battery position-one has missed the boat!!

I have moved and installed a number of bolt handles on Rem 700s and had good success. The bolt is in battery and the handle placed correctly and I then depth mic from the back of the bolt to the back of the handle.
The parts are then put in my homemade jig and the dimension previously determined is again achieved. At that time I silver solder the parts together. I usually end up with .005 or less clearance at the front of the handle. The left end of the handle is actually a stop and is aligned with the bottom of the left lug. This has worked very well for me.
I have made more tooling that lets me determine the distance from the FRONT of the handle cut to the lug abutment surface. This dimension can then be used when positioning the handle on the bolt body.
How can I do it better or differently so that I don't "miss the boat"?

Jay, Idaho
For the first time

yesterday I looked closely at and measured the clearances of Bolt handles on all my bolt rifles. Most of them were close to being the same but I think they have a bit too much clearnace to give good extraction. I can see why Al Nyhaus and Stan Ware said an adjustable cam would be there on the ideal action. It also occured to me that the Savage bolt may have an adjustable cam or a cam that would lend itself to being adjusted. It would be nice to be able to simply slide the cam forward and to be able to move it radially on the bolt then lock it down by some means. (Locktite?) oddly enough the best functioning bolts I have are on Remington Factory rifles; a 788 that has .006 clearance between the handle of the bolt and the front of the slot in the action and a 700 that has .009.