Extra power glass



I know I read it here but I can't find it. There was a blurb about a screw on magnifying lense that goes on the rear of the scope. I would be interested if I could get more info on it. Seems like one of the guys on this board was selling them for about $100?

How do I contact Ron Hoen?

Does he have shop? Where do I find Gene Davis Optical?

I impulse purchased one for my Sightrons right before the east-west... I shot like crap, but it wasn't the gizmo's fault... I -really- like the thing... Where before I'd see "a hole" now it's just enough to see "two holes touching."

What is the power increase?
Can one of these be used on a Leupold 6.5-20 and could it be switched to a fixed 12 x40 Leupold?
A friend of mine had one of these devices on his 36 Leupold, He said it seemed like it was about the same as a 45X after the device was installed, but that it kept slapping him in the brow. He took it off the scope. He figured that adding the power to the eyepiece changed eye relief so much that it was too short for his uses. Another friend tried one and reported that his 45X leupold seemed to be like 60X, but I have not heard the complaints of short eye relief from him.
