Excess Vertical?

Al: yoooouuuu betttchaaa :) If you try this, please report back on the results. I would really like to see some other 1000 yard ladder targets as I have only seen a few other than my own.

Nothing shows up on blue well...until you hit it with a alcohol soaked q-tip...

I'm all about efficiency and scientific methods...I personally hate re-doing things, and like to have the clearest results possible. I'd rather shoot more with something that shoots well than maintain frustration trying to make it shoot well. I want to get to small groups as fast as possible :)

As far as round count, the total if you shoot the max that I wrote about is 85 shots.

Everyone who I have talked to who has tried this exactly as I say has loved the results. The key is round-robin and same POA.

i think what i could never get through my thick skull was......
ladder= same poa and poi but with different charges.
i knew this was not possible at long range if 30.0 is 30 fps slower then 30.3, but duh...i see now what you are looking for. i would be curious to see how a test now at 30 compares to one in july at 70-80. see if my method (wild a-- guess) is close or not.
I have been using a similar method for several years now but don't color our bullets or use a "Round Robin".
What is the advantage of the Round Robin?

When we do it my father sits in the truck at the target and we talk back and forth on the radios.We used to use a video tape recorder at the target but what we discovered is you don't get any voices on it and if your working with several guns it gets confusing when you play it back 3-4 hours later.It forces you to keep notes and times.
Lynn aka Waterboy

I would like to run the same ladder in 2 temp extremes as well, but have not really done that yet.


Hearing/reading about ladders several years ago spawned my version, and you were part of it. I believe you and Phil Bower were the only ones talking about really stretching out the distance with ladder testing.

Round-robin removes any bias due to conditions, barrel heat etc. THe last stage I do gives you 3 repetitions of the same ladder and usually makes things very clear.

As far as the markers, a remote video job is the only way to come close, and you have seen that even then there can be difficulties. Never had an issue with the sharpie deal. If you can't see a color, a q-tip with alcohol makes it visible.


Haven't felt the need...one more variable I think I can deal without. The ladder test has given me clarification :)

Who knows though...would give me something else to write about :)

dumb question - but please humor me

do you mean vertical stringing of shot groups?
I've read your Ladder Test essay on 6BR many times, Jason-

Just haven't used it.

Still, it seems like a good technique to save barrel life and components, so I guess I have to give it a try.

I use a 1000 yard target turned around backwards so it is all one color.We only shoot it at 500 yards because thats as far as our Nightforce scopes can clearly see 6mm bullet holes.We wrap the target around a pallet and staple it down very good.
I put two of those 1 inch orange dots on it as aiming points and sight in on one of them.
I then switch over to the other orange dot and run the ladder test.
The pallets are free and will slip right over two pieces of rebar pounded into the ground so you can quickly and easily change your distance.
Waterboy aka Lynn
latter tests are the only way go.Its the quickest way to find a load,exspecially when testing more than one powder.:DI my testing over the past latters didn't change with temps.I always start my testing in cold weather.I do pressure tests with each powder.I load in .5gr incr and run up till I see signs of pressure.I start about 2.5grs below max load in data and run up in .5gr incr.this takes about 5-10 rounds 1 round of each charge.I shoot these over the crony and check speeds at the same time.this way I can compare speed from one powder to anther at the same time.this should be a piece of info that you may not know in comparing powders.when doing pressure tests I shoot groups at the same time.If you shoot 2 different powders over a 3-5gr span and compare group sizes the one with smaller group is going to be a better load when you are done.after finding max load in my gun I back off 1.5-2gr and work up in .1gr incr 1 shot each over 2gr and shoot them at 200yrds and plot all shots.you should wind up with 3 -4 shots in consecutive charges going in 1 hole or close.pick the charge in the middle load 20 rounds with this charge.load 4 .010 shorter than orginal lenth 4 .005 short 4 same 4 .005 longer 4 .010 longer.shoot them at a 100yrds pick best group for your length.load found in 50 rounds with one powder other powders elimenated in 5-10 rounds instead of wasting time on them.:D;)
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