Everybody read this please

I disagree with the "no politics policy" on this forum. Some of you sound and act like Democrats, ( i.e. Corruption). If you vote for corruption and stand up for it, then what does that say about you? If you stand for the party that would love to turn this country into a socialist state, then your no countryman of mine.

Dot, We are shooters on this forum. We are not doing politics here because of our respect of Wilbur, the owner of this site.
It could become a swamp and no one would change their mind anyway.

Please understand.
I don't think anybody is aiming at you. Duly noted that you disagree with the "policy"....I don't like it either. Your last post is a really great example of why the policy exists.
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Ding Dong

Ding-Dong! The witch is dead!
Which old witch?
The wicked witch
Ding-Dong! The wicked witch is dead!
Great rule...

While politics is of the upmost importance, a shooting site isn't where they should be discussed, as there are plenty out there dedicated solely for that purpose. The rhetoric used a few times in a thread that was designed to inform people to "leave well enough alone" is indicative of what the problem is.

Thank you Wilbur for a great forum where a younger generation of excited shooters and hunters can learn from the very best.
Respectfully, why not allow such threads? There will always be someone who’s “offended”. We can’t bow to their every complaint. As long as it is tasteful, they can ignore it. Either way, thanks for the site.
Thanks Wilbur, I agree with your decision. I cam here to learn more about precision shooting and have been doing just that. There are plenty of places to air ones political views and arguments. Most of the sites that I am on have the same policy as they are all specific to some area like, sailing, flying etc. I am a moderator on two other sites and it is much easier to help that way, when the political posts are not allowed. Keep up the great work.
