Everybody read this please


cook and bottle washer
Political posts, and anything that resembles such, will be removed on sight. If that offends anyone I'm sorry as offense is what I'm trying to prevent!
While I respectably disagree with you, it is your Forum and I pay nothing for it's use, I Thank You! This is a great place for Benchresters..
You coming to Shamrock?
Bill Greene...aka Trout!!
Bill - You would agree if you knew the whole story.

I've counted and counted and don't have the cash to make the Shamrock. Billy Stevens called to tell me about a new barrel and the stuff for my bolt he was bringing. Deal is, I scheduled a trip a long time ago which is gonna take every penny I've got and then some.
Political posts, and anything that resembles such, will be removed on sight. If that offends anyone I'm sorry as offense is what I'm trying to prevent!

Wilbur, I will respectfully disagree, but of course, follow your guidelines.........Jackie.
Wilbur, I will respectfully disagree, but of course, follow your guidelines.........Jackie.

Jackie, I love to talk politics because it is so important to all of us but it doesn't work smoothly here. Wilbur is right. I will be glad to talk about politics with you anytime, over the phone, over E-mail, or over a cup of coffee.

Concho Bill
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Agree completely with your decision. Keep this forum the one place I can go without getting pissed off.

Although I have made political comments in the past, I certainly respect your decision. It is fine by me. Thanks for the work that you do to keep this site up and running.
Wilbur: Good call in my opinion. I suspect the majority of posters are with you, even those of us who like to talk politics. Thanks for all you do. bob
Wilbur....We need experienced Moderators(Volunteers). Seems like a lot of work for the Administrator to take care of all the forum technical issues and also wear the hat of Forum Policeman. Thanks for all the hard work you put in to keep things working smoothly. Its Appreciated.

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I think politics and religious discussion isn't necessary here. Good decision.