Ev2 with cz barrel


New member
I've been shooting a new cz barrel on the ev2 this week. I thought it was going to be a dud barrel due to a rusty, rough bore. But, after a couple hundred shots it is beginning to impress me. My last three five shot groups at 50y were, 5/16, 3/8, and 1/2. I also did a ten shot 5/8 group. I hope it continues to shoot well.
The patches are coming out clean after a few pulls and don't leave lint behind like they did when the barrel was new. The barrel is quite crooked as well, 4" circle at 25m when indexing.
The consistency is the best I've seen as well. The fact that the barrel is o-ringed may help in that regard.
You can never tell what barrel is going to be a keeper until you put a few hundred rounds through it.
Speaking of Airgn Barrels - -

I took my EV 2 apart last evening as I was watching the Dust Bowl. It occured to me that these guns might benefit from a closer barrel to action fit. I am reasonably sure other rifles or guns, for that matter perform better with barrels that are tightly afixed to their actions. Wonder why more attention hasn't been placed on that detail for Airguns? Both my EV 2 nd CZ have very loose fitting barrels, by the standards of other types of rifles. I'm of a mind that it can't be a beneficial situation. It wouldn't be a lot of trouble to install a steel insert to screw barrels into. Don't see how the makers could complain much about the cost of doing so, considering the prices of these little Darlings.

I also noticed, some time ago, as I was finally cleaning the barrel on my CZ that patches looked rusty and felt rough going through when pushed with a rod. I took the JB Paste to it and after not many strokes, had the bore reflecting light. I can't say it shoots any better but think a regulator may enhance the rifle a bit. One of my future purchases will be a scope tip small enough to get into the .177 barrels.

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