est bc for a bullet....


mike in co

the description
151 gr 308 dia
1.438 oal
boat tail is .270 long with a minor dia of .225

est bc for 2500 thru 2900 fps....

mike in co
Man, that's awfully long for a 151gr 308, and the boattail's length is way out there too. Core must end way short of the jacket's meplat. I'm looking at bullet dimensional drawings in Bryan Litz's 1st book, and seeing nothing with a boattail of that length. And even Berger's 190 VLD's OAL is shorter by several thou. So since Berger's 155.5 Fullbore has a G7 BC of .237, and their 185 LR BT's is .283, I'd guess your theoretical 151 should be just a little above that of the 155.5's. I'd also predict that a bullet of that length with a short core would be likely to become unstable a lot sooner than a shorter bullet whose jacket comes closer to being filled by the core.
well lets just say the core is not lead......

but i have a supply and thought( i no a silly thing, me thinking) that they might shoot well.

from the 30's but in good shape.

thinking at 2900 fps maybe even 3000 fps ,that just might be interesting
whats the g1 bc of those two ??

mike in co
i was afraid that was the case..but thought i would ask. f m j.....nose is aprox .050 dia
bt is .270; body is .475; and nose is .793
no idea on the radius nor type of ogive...
its just one long skinny bullet....
mike in co

That's not enough info.
Need meplat diameter, nose length, and ogive type and radius also.
at .125 dia, the distance is aprox .125
at .250 dia .396
at .300 dia .635 straight line angle
mike in co
QUOTE=mikecr;671869]Is the ogive tangent to the the bearing, or is there some angle to intersection?
Can you pick a couple datums on the nose and give me distance from these to meplat?[/QUOTE]
I get:
BD .308
BW 151
OAL 1.438
BL .375
BTL .270
ED .225
BTA 8.7
NL .793
MD .050
Ogive type Tangent
Ogive radius 8.1
Atmos ICAO
Sg= 1.5 @ 9tw

--G1 BC--
.474 @ 2500fps
.486 @ 2900fps