ERABSF Euros & WRABF World Cup

Team Results Int Sporter 1st 2nd 3rd 25m
Euros: Germany A, Finland A, Germany B
World: Germany A, Uit Italy B, Australia A
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Stuffed up?

A better run event todaz till the end when team scores were stuffed up so will leave those results till tomorrow below is International Sporter 25m, main news of todai is new WRABF rules and the standing down from ERABSF of Jens and Carl, the are taking responsibilitz for stuff ups here even it is out of their control. I praise the efforts of them and WRABF committee in trzing to get this event right, the shooters are still enjozing the tournam

Basic WRABF Rule changes summarised...
No 25m Rimfire, Sporter Stock can be convex or flat, 20 minute details but all classes remain. and there will be an overall 3 gun rimfire champion

IS 25m Results
EC. Gerhard Baier, Lutwin Franyen, Uli Kroll
WC. Gerhard Baier, Pino Leane, Lutwin Franyen

Bill, can you elaborate on the term "stuffed up"?
Put it this waY Mike, the Hosts are letting us down with scoring late and late presentations and wrong print outs etc etc the WRABF Committee and ERABSF Committee are doing their best to assist and steer them to run things as theY should be. TodaY was better, but at least the drinks and laughs back at the hotel and bars are all just fine..

I can guarantee for World Championships in Australia we are well advanced in preparations and have experienced World Cup people to run the show as it should be run, END OF RANT.

Is there any chance of getting any more pictures and details on the FX air rifle in your pictures. The extended scope rail and stock are very nice. To trade, a picture and I will answer questions on my air rifle.


  • IMG_0524.jpg
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Is there any chance of getting any more pictures and details on the FX air rifle in your pictures. The extended scope rail and stock are very nice. To trade, a picture and I will answer questions on my air rifle.
Me and my son also belong to team Sweden and here my son is sitting with the same rifle and here comes some pict. Cal .22 in 27 Joule.

Is there any chance of getting any more pictures and details on the FX air rifle in your pictures. The extended scope rail and stock are very nice. To trade, a picture and I will answer questions on my air rifle.

Yes, I can give you more pics and details on the FX, but maybe this Plzen thread isn't the right place..send me a PM
Congratulations on your fine result Tomaz

Congratulations on your top ten LV result Tomaz.
That is indeed a fine result of which to be proud ... Best regards, Harry in OZ.
Congratulations on your top ten LV result Tomaz.
That is indeed a fine result of which to be proud ... Best regards, Harry in OZ.

Thank you Harry, you are too kind..But yes I am happy with that LV score.:D
Coming to Australia in 2015...
Rimfire LV 25m Medals

World Cup
1st, 2nd, 3rd
Manfredo Candia, Atyeni Giovanni, Carl Boswell

World Cup Teams
Uit Italia A, Uit Italia B, CZ Team B

Euro Championships
1st, 2nd, 3rd
Carl Boswell, Petr Efenberger,Lan Fotk
CZ Team B, German A, Br Italia A

Event now running smoothlY, shooters seem to be having a great time.
HV 25m Medals

Euro Champs. 1st , 2nd, 3rd
Ulla Murisoja, Tomi Taaveetti Korpi, Carl Boswell

Euro Teams
Br Italia, GB-A, Netherlands

Jake HealeY

World Cup 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Guispeepe Messoraca, Rebecca Richards, Ulla Murisoja

World Teams
UIT - A, Phillipines, GB-A

Mario Coetser

50m International Sporter

Euro Champs. 1st , 2nd, 3rd
Uli Kroll, Manfred Ribman, Carl Boswell

Euro Teams
Finland A, Br Italia A, GB A

Simon Feldman

World Cup 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Pieter Grundlingh, Givanni Atyeni, Annette Rowe

World Teams
Uit Italia B, Phillipines A, Finland A

Simon Feldman

EC Uli Kroll
WC Pino Leone

50m LV

Euro Champs. 1st , 2nd, 3rd
Luca Antonello, Carl Boswell, Ricardo Danieli

Euro Teams
Br Italia A, UK A, GermanY A

Acille Boswell

World Cup 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Carl Boswell, Glenn Seaman, Manfred Risman

World Teams
Australia A, UIT Italia A, UK A

Mario CoetZer

EC Luca Antonello
WC Carl Boswell
Well done Aussies

Gold Teams 50m LV and silver to Glenn Seaman; also Silver Rebecca Richards 25m HV and bronze Annette Rowe 50 m Sporter . Our ladies mixing it with the best!

Congratulations Team Australia .......... Best regards, Harry.
Final event EDITED AGG

50m HV

Euro Champs. 1st , 2nd, 3rd
Risto Murisola, Carl Boswell, Eija Murisoja

Euro Teams
Finland A, Finland B, BR Italia A

Thea BradleY

World Cup 1st, 2nd, 3rd
Guiseppe Mesoraca, Atyeni Giovanni, Risto Murisoja

World Teams
Finland A, Uit Italia Australia B

Thea BradleY

EC Carl Boswell
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I put this together out of interest.

1st to 3rd places regardless of the organisation they belonged to or age (in other words how they finished in each class)

Still have the HV50m results to come, but it seems Italy will take some beating if there was a medal for top country:

Air Rifle

1st Ron Harding - UK
2nd Pietro D'Amico - ITL
3rd Luca Antonello - ITL

1st Andi Ponomarov UKR
2nd Evgenily Ermilov - RUS
3rd Giovanni Atzeni - ITL


IS 25m
1st Gerhard Baier - GER
2nd Pino Leone - ITL
3rd Lutwin Franzen - GER

1st Manfredo Candia - ITL
2nd Giovanni Atzeni - ITL
3rd Carl Boswell - UK

1st Giuseppe Messoraca - ITL
2nd Rebecca Richards - AUS
3rd Ulla Murisoja - FIN

IS 50m
1st Pieter Johanes - SA
2nd Giovanni Atzeni - ITL
3rd Annette Rowe - AUS

LV 50m
1st Luca Antonello - ITL
2nd Carl Boswell - UK
3rd Ricardo Danieli -ITL

This isn't official of course, but I believe it to be accurate.
