Equipment Used at the IR 50-50 Nationals & Gunsmiths...


New member
It will be very interesting to review and compare the equipment used (barrels/actions/ammo) used at the Nationals last week as well as finding out who are the gunsmiths who built the very best guns...I know that one very low profile and excellent gunsmith (GE) took about 4 out of the first 5 places; this to me this is real expertise and not BS bragging...but who are the rest of those very fine gunsmiths?

Does anyone know if there is a list of equipment/gunsmiths/ammo and where to find it?

And for those who were at the competition:
Does anybody know what ever happened to "That Triple Bad Super Killer Sporta" that was the subject of much hype by its builder (and only him) about being the most accurate sporter gun ever in the entire world?

Did this gun even showed up? and if it did, who shot it and how did it do? ...I am surprised that nobody has asked but I believe that the ENTIRE WORLD is dying to know!... :D
It would seem the sporter never showed. There were one or two self built guns, otherwise, the two most represented gunsmiths in the winners circle were Gordon Eck and Bill Calfee.
Equipment list

Noah did well for a Jr beat most of the Seniors (young eyes) smith was Dexter one built before Stroke one built after Stroke.
If you check the results Wallace posted on the 2nd page of the sticky post at the top about the Nationals the action, barrel and ammo is posted for each shooter.
Thank you Jim...Good information!

Anyone knows if there is any other similar list for the 10.5 & 13.5 lb. categories?...

Why is it that USRA IR50/50 doesn't publish this information or why isn't it updated? ...I am kind of lost, the historical information stops in 2010, and then an event as important as the 2014 Nationals hasn't been published...
There is two files to open. Between the two you will get the information about equipment you are looking for. The first is the sporter and the second is for the 3-gun. Sorry it's only for the nationals but it's the best we could do.
Jim, just an FYI, it's not a huge deal but all the sporter info is wrong, it seems that it's everybodies heavy gun info.
I don't think many people know that any equipment info is able on the IR 50/50 site by simply hovering your mouse over a shooters name. Go to any match result, hover your mouse and you'll get a pop-up box that gives you the equipment and also their Highest Score and Lowest Score for that class and the average score of all their targets that year in that class.

Of course, the equipment list is only as accurate as what has been sent to Rachel for that match.
I don't think many people know that any equipment info is able on the IR 50/50 site by simply hovering your mouse over a shooters name. Go to any match result, hover your mouse and you'll get a pop-up box that gives you the equipment and also their Highest Score and Lowest Score for that class and the average score of all their targets that year in that class.

Of course, the equipment list is only as accurate as what has been sent to Rachel for that match.

Nobody has updated that data. When they went to email data transfer a few years back,most equipment still shows from then. Even with state/ regional matches, it appears lots of new equipment never gets updated.
Thank you MaxxPower...Indeed, this hovering feature is something I didn't know and I guess that at my age I am still learning new things every day ;)

Now all I wish to have is the gunsmiths list so we can correlate: Equipment to gunsmiths to preferences to trends and get some more reliable conclusions with good statistical values...

Information like: Who has built let's say the top 50 or 100 guns in each category or ???...

Errors in the information are always going to be there, some intentional and some by mistake but a 70 -80% reliability in the information and even less is better than guessing, and way much better that BELIEVING and PREACHING this or that just because "HE SAYS SO"...Please Note: By "He" I don't mean anyone in particular
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Much More attention - -

should be placed on such things as the shooter, which relay's they shot in, etc., etc. There are so many rifles now a day that are capable of winning anywhere and enough good ammo to allow them to do it that the rifle is less a factor, IMHO. Who actually put the rifle together is a factor, for sure, but it does not outweigh the lad who made it perform, IMHO. A goodly number of folks know how to put together great rifles = Great Barrels, IMHO.
