Equipment Lists


New member

I'm going to get back into RF Benchrest again am wondering just what other folks are using to win with. I've spent considerable time trying to find match equipment lists with no success.

Would someone please give me a hand and show me how to get this information.

Also I see that BR Central equipment for sale is really not very busy especially with rimfire rifles. Any idea what's going on?

Thanks for any and all information. Really looking forward to competing again!!!

Hit the PSL site found on this homepage. Every match has an equipment list. That should give you a few dozen options.
Dan Killough/KSS/ARA/PSL

Dan Killough keeps a valid equipment list for all PSL Matches (4) and ARA Nationals ! He ,himself writes exactly what you have on the bench for Target#1! 101 shooters at the St Louis ARA Nationals & 70+ at the Last PSL in St Louis ! ARA & PSL have separate web sites but those will get you as up to date as it gets !
Equipment List

Thanks for the information guys. I appreciate it. Interesting to see what the top shooters are using these days. I do want to be successful at this and it does take good equiment to do it.