Eley Tennex weight inconsistency

Seems you don't like the results you are getting with your rifle. Let someone else try it in theirs. If it works for them, then sell it to them and buy another lot. Better yet, by several boxes of different lots and speeds and see what your barrel likes. Killough is real helpful when you are buying lots for testing.
Let me try to bring this thread back to the original question: WHY THE WEIGHT DIFFERENCE IN THE SAME BOX?

While I had the scale up and running I measured a box of Lapua Modas M. The weight difference within the entire box was +/- .04 grains. That is more like I would expect from premium ammo.
Here is a sample of Tenex from one bric.

51.1 51.0 50.9 50.8 50.7 50.6 grs
58 183 221 101 68 25.........rounds
This lot does not shoot well in any of my rifles....both will score well with other match and team ammo.
As soon as weather and time permits I'm going to test the different weights.
Probably a labor foul up. There used to be a saying, that Eley paid someone minimum wage to put five or more bad bullets in each box. Contact who you purchased it from an ask them to exchange. Nobody is going to be able to give you a factual answer to why there is a difference
Probably a labor foul up. There used to be a saying, that Eley paid someone minimum wage to put five or more bad bullets in each box. Contact who you purchased it from an ask them to exchange. Nobody is going to be able to give you a factual answer to why there is a difference

I understand your frustration here.

Listen folks, it either shoots or it doesn't shoot. It is more than just going bang.

i have a question since dan carries all those different lots of ammo does he then carry several cases of each one? i think we are talking about some very serious inventory here. by the way i can buy wholesale from grafs and dans prices are better than grafs except for freight i cant firgure this one out!

Dan does carry an excellent inventory. You can always call or email him for an update list. As for the freight, Grafs is closer than Winters, TX. Longer distance, higher the freight. As for pricing, Dan trys his best to look out the Benchrest crowd. Grafs doesn't have too. They have a larger operation, thus higher inventory costs as well as more employees to pay. If Dan doesn't have the Eley you want, he can always drop ship it from Zanders. As for the number of cases per lot, that will vary.

I fired the cases that weighed a different amount (.42 grains). After firing the weight difference was exactly the SAME. It seems logical, then, that the internal dimensions of the cases are different by about 4%. If this was a centerfire cartridge this would be cause to cull the cases.

This appears to me that although the cartridges are loaded at the same time on the same machine - the cases are made on DIFFERENT MACHINES and the weight variance is from this manufacturing step.
The cases may very well be made on different machines but the weight difference would likely be more. I made a literal million hand swaged 6mm bullets and made it a point to find jackets as near perfect as I could. The "measure" of a good jacket was circumferential wall thickness and the assumption was if it was the same all around then all else was good. Anything over .0003 runout was suspect. These jackets I'm talking about were made in lots on the same machine using a single forming process and some of them differed .0006+. Additionally, the folks that made the jackets did everything humanly and mechanically possible at the time to get them right. There were good lots and there were great lots...some lots were downright poor. Point is, I had to look for the great lots and that became expensive. Same thing with rimfire ammo.

As a side note, the very worst lot of jackets I ever bought were sent back to the source quickly and without reservation (I paid the $85 shipping). The day I put them on the FedEx counter to go back I recieved about ten phone calls from other bullet makers that wanted them. Turned out that in spite of the runout, the result was KILLER bullets. This left me somewhat unsettled in terms of what I knew about bullets and moreover bullet makers.

Edit to add this question:

Does red box ELEY (or any other ammo) have any "published" specifications in terms of consistency?
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Weight Inconsistency . . .

Several years ago, while my wife, Mavis and I were making our annual trip to South Texas, so we could be called Winter Texans: We stopped at a gun shop in one of the Milwaukee suburbs and picked up an assortment of .22 ammo. It included 3 boxes of RWS R-50. Mavis had bought me a digital scale earlier that year and I had intended to weight some ammo in that Warm Winter South Texas Sun.

The Eley Red Box & Black Box showed a normal distribution curve with a range of about .8 grams. Wolf Match Extra & Wolf Match Target gave .9 and.11, with the same normal distribution curve.

That R-50 showed two distribution (bi-modal) curves, just as George (Travelor) found when he weighed his Tennex Red Box.

To me the explanation for the two weight distributions was obvious: Some @$#**& had bought a brick or more of that R-50, weighed it and filled those three boxes with all the light and heavy rounds: Then bought them back the Gun Show for an exchange.

To me there was no other explanation.

Joe Haller (Mr. Frosty)
Stuck in the snow UP here in Michigan's Upper Peninsula.
i have a question since dan carries all those different lots of ammo does he then carry several cases of each one?
In my quest for ammo I came across his site for Eley ammo; it listed the machine, velocity, lot number and how much was available. He had 5 cases of what I was looking for and called him. He told me, as best I can discern, that the site was tied to his inventory, so when I bought a case, the amount available fell by 100 boxes. I wish I could tell you how I got there but took a lot of goggling. He had cases of machines 1-4, but no 5 or 6 and mostly higher velocities. Very pleasant to deal with. You might call him direct and ask questions.
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Dan will list the inventory available to him and his customer that Zanders has in stock. He also carries a large inventory himself.