Eley Match


New member
I have an opportunity to buy some Eley Match lot #1012-5456-1041 at a "bargain price". Have never shot Eley - have been doing "OK" (room for improvement) with Lapua Center X. Would it be a foolish gamble to go for a couple of bricks?
I have an opportunity to buy some Eley Match lot #1012-5456-1041 at a "bargain price". Have never shot Eley - have been doing "OK" (room for improvement) with Lapua Center X. Would it be a foolish gamble to go for a couple of bricks?

Buy a box of it and try it - - --
......... to clarify .......... the offer to buy is short term, act fast, take it all or leave it, 2 sealed bricks. My concern is velocity. If I'm correct, the lot # indicates a sample tests at 1041. Isn't that a bit on the slow side?
depends on what the so called BARGAIN PRICE IS


what a stupid question, for if it was a truly "bargain price " he owuld have bought it and not lost any money on re-selling it, must be drunk or something

Jefferson owner of a quarter million rounds of bargain ammo

please think on what you have asked or on second thought DO NOT BUY IT
depends on what the so called BARGAIN PRICE IS


what a stupid question, for if it was a truly "bargain price " he owuld have bought it and not lost any money on re-selling it, must be drunk or something

Jefferson owner of a quarter million rounds of bargain ammo

please think on what you have asked or on second thought DO NOT BUY IT

Jefferson - Many thanks for your thoughtful answer. In the future, I'll refrain from asking "stupid questions".
PS - I consider $9.00 per box of 50 a bargain; but not a steal from a recent widow.
if the question was I could get it for X and the going price here is X plus 30 or 50 per brick and I can afford it and am shooting a gun that can use great ammo ........... then the answer is easy,

but if the question is I cannot afford it then the answer is easy

but if the question is there is none around and I have no other ammo then take a chance on it

and what will the ammo sell for in your area at this time ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

the point I am trying to make is THE BETTER THE QUESTION THE BETTER THE ANSWER

on the basis of your question it is difficult if not impossible to give you the guidance you deserved,

so with the above perameters can you get closer to your answer that will allow you to make the right call,

does this help, I expect Garrisone to answer with a stupid reply also as he never adds anything to the discussion, look for his reply soon

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......... to clarify .......... the offer to buy is short term, act fast, take it all or leave it, 2 sealed bricks. My concern is velocity. If I'm correct, the lot # indicates a sample tests at 1041. Isn't that a bit on the slow side?

My best ammo in my rifle is presently 1042fps eley.
if it is at a good price, try it and resell it if you don't like it.
its only 2 bricks...not like buying 2 cases.

good luck
Your reply

Jefferson - Many thanks for your thoughtful answer. In the future, I'll refrain from asking "stupid questions".
PS - I consider $9.00 per box of 50 a bargain; but not a steal from a recent widow.

Your reply to a jackass remark was classic. Well done !
What hasn't been said is

unless you shoot some of it, there is no way to know if it will work well, or at all, in your rifle. You can't go by the published speeds, unfortunately. Finding, and I say that seriously, ammo that will work in your rifle is not a matter of simply buying a make and model and knowing it will work for you, because it is a quest. Wish it was simple, for it would be a whole lot less expensive and easier to find good ammo, but alas - - - -.