Eley Batch Testing


Obviously what shoots great in one rifle may not be the best in another BUT,

Maybe the reason many of us have not found the Tenex to shoot any better than the Black Box is because....... the Best of the Tenex may never make it to the US, it has already been picked over by this program.

Maybe because Eley doesn't offer this service for Black Box (Match) it is probably somewhat less picked over and there is potential for a diamond in the rough.

Don't know...but it is certainly food for thought.

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I can tell you that the test rigs at Eley are not the same as the HPS, these things at Eley way around a quarter of a ton and well bolted to the ground. The batch testing system was device was design by a member of Eley and has special mounts to take different actions. It’s not a very good photo but you can see the tunnels that are 50m long and about 3ft in diameter. http://www.eley.co.uk/customer-range.aspx.
If you’re not having much luck with Zanders Keith, what I suggest is that you fill out Eley online form with your questions: http://www.eley.co.uk/about-eley/contact-us.aspx. it will get through to the right person and they will get back to you. I do have personal email addresses but it would get me into trouble if I gave them out without permission. But I will try and speak to someone if you pass me your email address.

I like the test rig that holds the whole rifle... only 25,000.00 US!
I don't think you would be giving anything up by just using a Pappas Rest for $675.

(I know it takes the scope and everything other variable out of the equation);)

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Obviously what shoots great in one rifle may not be the best in another BUT,

Maybe the reason many of us have not found the Tenex to shoot any better than the Black Box is because....... the Best of the Tenex may never make it to the US, it has already been picked over by this program.

Maybe because Eley doesn't offer this service for Black Box (Match) it is probably somewhat less picked over and there is potential for a diamond in the rough.

Don't know...but it is certainly food for thought.


It's food for thought until you realize how many, state, regional, national, championships are won with black box and lesser priced stuff. Another words, there is less demand for it here. I have not bought red box stuff in three years, nor has anybody I know... you do not need to.
If I said something that took either of you out of your comfort zone I did not intend to. It is not my place to argue back and forth with anyone on this or any other forum.


You didn't take me out of any zone comfy or not, I don't have an ammo issue, I'm trying to help yours. This is a free forum, that's perfectly fine but this is never gonna happen, also while you tried to contact Zanders...they're a wholesaler, don't do retail, don't talk to customers, that's pretty well known.
At the end of the day you can waste untold energy trying to change what can't be changed while overlooking what can, believe me I have.
It's food for thought until you realize how many, state, regional, national, championships are won with black box and lesser priced stuff. Another words, there is less demand for it here. I have not bought red box stuff in three years, nor has anybody I know... you do not need to.

I agree...I'm in the same boat.... my point exactly, I have not found the red box ....at least that we are getting..... to shoot any better than the less expensive match. So why spend the extra money.


I must agree with both of you about not buying Red box. I can't see a difference and I've tested at least six lots. I too have been to matches where no one shot red box.

But then you must ask why would the rest of the world still be buying red box? Apparently they are buying as much as Eley can produce??

I think Charlie had it right, the red box we see over here isn't the best red box Eley produces.

If you are happy with the scores you are shooting you don't need to improve.

I'm not there yet, maybe I never will be but I'm still willing to try. I've never shot a perfect target. I have rifles built by the best smiths, used the best parts, bought the best scopes and I've been shooting rimfire benchrest since the BR-50 days. I've even won a few matches, but still no perfect targets. My hat is off to those of you that have.

In the mean time I'm going to take Andy's advice and email Eley. Tim you are probably right, this may never go anywhere but I've got the time and the energy to chase it just a little further.
Don't feel bad

There have been a total of 15 different shooters in ARA that have fires perfect 2500 targets, for a total of 21. There is no real way to tell what ammo they actually used either. That's out of an average of 734 competitors Nationwide, over the last five years. So if you ain't on the list, don't feel bad, your part of the majority.

Thanks for the info. I didn't know there had been that many. I hope to become one of the few someday!

Why would one shoot this game if he/she wasn't "trying" to shoot perfect scores? The fact that so many have done it, should drive us even harder.
Keith, you should probably factor in a major reason for the red box deal, currancy exchange rates. the stuff went up in $ far more here than in GB or the EU because of the weak dollar. If we bought more they'd send more, I've had this talk with more than one supplier. There's even a bunch of guys that went from black box to the $7 stuff because it's good.
Lastly, no I'm never happy with whatever score I shoot, I'll always try to improve. You must also realize that as you get better, the steps get incramentaly smaller.
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Hmm, well, then why do you suppose the Eley test data states it is a Gemini rig, and the HPS site says that Eley uses their Gemini rigs? The fact that it's attached to something massive doesn't mean it isn't the same thing. And it sure sounds like that's what it is. Part of what you saw there really didn't resemble their pic of their Gemini rig? The picture on the HPS website sure isn't very good.

edit - "Clamping method Gemini" and "In LH vice at 50 and gemini at 6.0N/m." That's on the first page of your docs you got from them.
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I'd agree, for a benchrest rifle. But you could also test other types of rifles with other types of stocks with that Gemini thing. I don't think my 1712 silhouette rifle and its skinny round fore end would be helped much by a Pappas rest, for example.
I don't think you would be giving anything up by just using a Pappas Rest for $675.

(I know it takes the scope and everything other variable out of the equation);)

Information on importing small arms ammo into the US.

If anyone is considering going to the UK to have their rifle tested and purchasing ammo to bring back to the states may want to check this web site for some of the requirements.


In brief, it is not easy. Same old red tape!!
Let Eley ship

I'm sure, if you go to the Eley Testing facility and purchase per their requirements, they will forward your order thru a Distributer in your country. As they said in the instructions, you must purchase in lots of 5000 rounds ( 1case minimum ) That way an individual wouldn't have to worry about the shipping themselves. If they wouldn't do this, then reconsider going at all.
RE: last

i can confirm that once you have chosen your batch and how much you want it will be sent direct to your local dealer or a dealer of your choice, you just have to give them the information and address.

Ammo shipping

Both of you are correct at least I think so. I sent an email to eley to confirm this about 10 minutes ago.

The next thing I'm waiting on is the ATF and airlines. I 'm sure Eley will help with getting my rifles into the UK but it's U.S. customs and the ATF that will have to tell me how to get them back in the U.S..

Hey, it's all in the details!

BTW: I lived in the UK for 12 years, my wife is English, and I have in-laws in Leicester, and Suffolk. So it looks like I might take her home for the holidays!!