Elevating the Rear Bag



Someone please help me clairify the rules for F-Class Open when it comes to elevating the rear bag.

Rule 3.4.1 (a)(2) states:The use of any form of a table is prohibited. Separate flat boards or plates not exceeding the dimensions
of the individual rests by two inches are allowed to be placed under the front and/or rear rests.....No leveling screws or protrusions are allowed on these boards or plates. They must be flat on the top
and bottom.

But then Rule 3.4.1 (a)(6) States: Any number and type of objects may be placed beneath each rest to compensate for variations in the
height of slope of the firing point or to reduce its rolling.

These rules seem to contrast each other. (2) says that the plate must be flat and (6) seems to suggest no restrictions. Is (2) just saying that the plate cannot be adjustable for level?

Thanks for help in advance
(2) simply prohibits people from trying to game the system by using mini-tables w/ leveling adjustments, or mechanical rear rests.

(6) says you can stack as many wedges, phone books, sleeping bags, etc. under the rest to achieve the elevation you desire. Common sense would dictate that they shouldn't be of a design to conflict w/ (2).

Most people simply take a couple chunks of wood - I use 3/4" plywood cut to size - and put some self-adhesive sandpaper or non-skid stair tread on it to keep them from slipping around. Keep two or three in your range bag to use as needed to elevate your rear rest when you get to a range where you need to really depress the muzzle to get on target.


+1 on what Monte said. The ones I've seen at our range are slim pieces of plywood stacked up til they get the desired height, then the shooter places a standard rear rest on top of the stack of wood and shoot.

that's what I do, I have 4 pieces of 3/4 inch plywood that are individually screwed together. I take a cordless drill along, if the boards are to thick I take one off to compensate for the unlevel or divet in the grounds surface I don't have a fancy front rest, just a standard ol whichita.
as far as the rear, I made my own, made it a little taller, then I squeeze it for desired elevation and make fine adjstment by either the squeeze or the front rest elevation screwwheel.

Would this wooden rear block be legal in F-Class if used under the rear bag as shown? Bill T.