effectiveness of clean case interior

Pretty doesn't make them shoot any better. Joe do you remember Phils? Matt
Yes I know what you are saying but I have screwed up some expensive dies by not cleaning the brass, you guys can do whatever it takes to win! I'll take my time. Yes Phil even shot them with split necks.

Joe Salt
Joe, Dasher dies aren't that expensive, and i shoot the same old dirty brass a hundred times……. LOL….. jim
I agree with Wilbur on that one.
I believe the primer has more effect due to it being the one thing we can't control.
GerryM Why can't you control the Primers, I hope you weigh them? I just don't want to pay for anymore Dies. Jim I shoot 300 WSM they aren't cheap. And neither are the carbide bushing, so you guys can come over this year and admire my clean brass!

Joe Salt
Joe, I will do that, Maybe i can get lucky and shoot a small one or two …….. i'm busy pointing and wearing out my Juneke machine and i may even clean off my brass with some 0000 steel wool …….. LOL….jim
Stool Thats up to the people that make the primers to get the go juice right, I just take that part out of the equation. If you have primers that weigh 5.24 and another batch that weighs 5.78 are you going to mix them up? Then when you get a flyer say, well I shouldn't have done that.

Joe Salt
when you weigh 5000 primers you are not going to get just a few that are off weight. Don't you think the sealing and the priming compound both go bang. Thats like saying if I put glue in my powder it won't bang. I don't know your routine but bet mine shoot better. Sorry Stool I've been doing this for almost 45 years, I'm not going to change now, Ask how many GOOD shooters weigh there primers. I think even the 1000 yard world record holder even weighs his!

Joe Salt
I know an ex 1000 yard shooter who weighed everything, everything! I asked him the same question that Mike is trying sooooo eloquently to ask which is; does the percent difference in weight variation before and after firing a set of primers remain the same? Yes, was the answer. This suggests that the cup and anvil remain the same and the only change is the spent "juice" which would validate Joes' point, I think :)
PRIMER ONE HAS 0.5 gr priming compound, and 1.0 gr sealant
PRIMER TWO HAS 1.0 gr priming compound and 0.5 gr of sealant
they both look the same and weigh the same......
but they do not go bang the SAME......

SEALANT AND PRIMING COMPOUND BOTH BURN AWAY.. the same rate,,,i do not know, but with 60,000psi burn from powder..i doubt you can tell the diff.

joe i did not say to not weigh...but i like DATA, FACTS.....

Then instead of being rude.......... go get the facts yourself....
There's nothing wrong with asking for data, it's just how,,,, well let me just say it this way, "say what you mean, but don't be mean". Hope that helps!!
That's funny right there. Don't know why it's funny...exactly why...but it's funny nonetheless.
Stool the data you have been looking for was done years ago, with a primer test can't remember if it was P.S. Magazine or were but I think Federal Primers came out the most consistent! And that is what I use. I think your problem is, YOU think everyone but yourself is telling Untruths! You have been listening to the president to much, we aren't like that. Our club has a Benchrest School every year, do you think we give bad advice. We tell them everything we do, and tell them to try things like I have been doing for years, just because it works for me, doesn't mean it will work in your rifle. So if you don't want some advice but don't try something new, just keep making the same mistakes over and over like our wonderful Government. I don't know how else to get through to you, So please Stool I'm telling you it works.

Is that funny Wilbur?

Joe Salt
You have been listening to the president to much...

...just keep making the same mistakes over and over like our wonderful Government.

Now it is really getting funny!!!

If only the #&*^% government would get off our back our groups would be better if we sorted primers! Or maybe not.

Got to love it.
That wasn't what I was referring to primer compound amounts or weights.
There was a test along time ago with different brands of primers. CCI Br federal rem 7.5 etc
They had show different flash in millisecond of photography. Flame duration and actual amounts of flash generated by each brand of primers.
what primer actually was hotter or milder. What I was suggesting was to try different Brands of primers . for the best results.
Joe we really can't control the primer its a given We can check them for uniformity I think that's what your doing.
I have on hand Federal 205M CCI SM standard 400 Tula Small rifle standards and wolf sm mag s also CCI BR4
The tulas are working out really well with standard loads{not hot loads} The cci 400 are about the same from what I can see .

The BR4 will take the higher pressures along with the wolf and the BR4 primers. I guess it just depends on how hot a load your shooting.
I'm Happy with All of the ones I have . They all shoot at given velocity's and pressures.
PS I almost forgot the 7. 5 Remington's I used them for the AR that I had.

Ok Mikey did you ever weigh primer cups and anvils? If you did you would know they are really close in weight. My buddy went to Penn State and weighed them on a lab scale that weighed to 5 Decimal places and they are pretty dead nuts. You sound a lot like Webster on 6 BR. Do you just change names and just try to aggrevate people? The biggest part of the primer weight is the stuff that goes boom. If one primer weighs 5.19 and another weighs 5.89. You can bet it is mostly the priming compound and that is almost a 20 percent change. Will it show at 100 yards. Maybe not, but my guns tell me it showed at 1000 yards. Maybe if you get off your lazy ass and go test instead of arguing with people, you would see too. Matt