Edge stock question

I am working on a Mcmillan Edge stock and am wondering what can/should be done with the soft gray material after the stock is done? Is there any paint or coating that should be put on it? Also, are you supposed to clear coat the outside of the stock to make it shiney? Sorry for the novice questions.
6m/m br

6m/m BR had an article on painting glass stocks. look it up as it really addresses the issues of preparation of the stock before painting. Greg Moyer
I am working on a Mcmillan Edge stock and am wondering what can/should be done with the soft gray material after the stock is done? Is there any paint or coating that should be put on it? Also, are you supposed to clear coat the outside of the stock to make it shiny? Sorry for the novice questions.
What soft gray material are you talking abut and where is it located? You talking about the core the stock is built around?

If you want it shiny, polish it like Butch suggests. If you add clear coat you are just adding weight, thus defeating the purpose of the EDGE stock, less weight. They normally weigh 22-24 oz stripped where most regular fiberglas stocks weigh 28-34 oz.

If you talking about the filler in the barrel channel and what you can see in the trigger cutout you can seal it . Alex Sitman Masterclass stocks seals the interior with a clear epoxy. But it can really add some weight if your counting ounces.
I should have been a little more clear, I am talking about the core. I wasnt sure if the core had to be sealed. I am just a little picky about how it looks around the bolt handle relief and was wanting to black out the small areas that can be seen so it wont add much weight at all. Should I epoxy that first, or can a little flat black paint be put on the core without pre treatment? I was hoping to make the exterior a little more presentable and never considered wet sanding to make it look better, so I will definately do that. I was a little leary about clear coating it because of durablility.
A little paint on the cut outs will do just fine. Same for the barrel channel. If you are going to clear coat the stock you could spray the raw filler material while you're doing it. Or paint it first if you want a different look.