Easy Now!

Not you...Francis Kerbosky. I should have made the distinction. Francis Kerbosky holds the Guiness record for hitting the most road signs with beer bottles in an hour. Look it up.

I tried this ONE time.......

"Back in the day" while working in the Northeast (NH/CT/VT/MA/MN) we'd caravan to work in pickups and one-tons pulling trailers loaded with gear, howling up 293 or careering down 495 to Wakefield at O-Dark-Thirty with 10-20 guys all racing to get nowhere first. I don't drink beer but I'm a construction guy and us construction guys are always drinking SOMEthing. Just to stay alive ..... nowadays mostly water but back then it was Snapple, Dunkin's coffee, Coke or the ubiquitous Mtn Dew and bottled juices by the case.

And the guys threw bottles, LOTS of bottles.....

I was raised different and I didn't. I also collected my trash and put it in a can.

I've never in my life thrown a bag out the window of a vehicle.

Of course I got ridiculed, called out even :)

So one day, ONE DAY I decided I'd try it. I had a good arm, 78mph softball at the fair, and a good aim, and I was driving..... so ONE time......

I t'rowed a Snapple bottle over the cab at a highway sign.....(that's what the driver did.... that's where the glory was....driver's side....

ANYONE could plink signs from the passenger seat, total cubbage that, the skill was shown from the driver's side.

And my hand-eye coordination was second to none........

And there was a ladder rack on this truck......

My fingers din't even OPEN.....


And I've never thrown one since't!


What if a poster said something bad about the top shooters (as a group) w/o mentioning any names at the short range benchrest supershoot (the ones that laughed about annealing) would that be breaking the rules? Just asking.
What if a poster said something bad about the top shooters (as a group) w/o mentioning any names at the short range benchrest supershoot (the ones that laughed about annealing) would that be breaking the rules? Just asking.

Why use an internet forum such as this, which is dedicated to benchrest accuracy elements, to say anything bad about any individual or group of individuals at all??? Be man enough to say what you have to say bad about them to their face!!!

Our developing Tweet Twitter Twhamt society that is developing is showing the true character faults some today have!!!!!

IMO, this is happening because of a lack of ANY moral compass to follow by todays developing generations......because WE THE PEOPLE let them take down the 10 Commandments from the courthouses and take out prayer from our public schools.
Jerry--I am man enough, but they just said it in general terms according to some posters so I feel that this should be appropriate to say something also in general. I have never insulted anyone on this forum. I don't do the tweets, twitter or facebook stuff so I can't address that. I also think that the main purpose of this site is accuracy which I keep in my head when posting, but when someone posts something they deem unnecessary or ridiculous that a whole group of shooters do (shooters that made much progress in the last 25 years or so in the accuracy department), it should be answered, discussed or argued. Not just a blanket statement that some shooters in a different game don't agree with a procedure that shooters in another game are doing things that don't mean anything. Your first statement in your last post is the same question I have "why would someone use the internet to say something insulting about another group of shooters?"
last post is the same question I have "why would someone use the internet to say something insulting about another group of shooters?"

Dan, I understand completely what you said. What I wrote was just to address the general goings on here sometimes by some who to "snipe' at someone and do not have the guts to use their real name. Like a guy who used to be on this forum by the name "sits in trees". To use a Wilbur and Francis approved PC phrase "how stupid"!!
Wilbur iz smart

Wel, dang, Wilbur. What is the record? What are the rules? Does it have to be from a car? Does the car have to be moving? Does the thrower have to consume the beer before the toss?

But he don't know ebberting. I once had the alltime record for hitting the most beer bottles w/road signs.
Yep it's me Tommy McKeesky.Or should I be Tommy Becigneul
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Why use an internet forum such as this, which is dedicated to benchrest accuracy elements, to say anything bad about any individual or group of individuals at all??? Be man enough to say what you have to say bad about them to their face!!!

Our developing Tweet Twitter Twhamt society that is developing is showing the true character faults some today have!!!!!

IMO, this is happening because of a lack of ANY moral compass to follow by todays developing generations......because WE THE PEOPLE let them take down the 10 Commandments from the courthouses and take out prayer from our public schools.

Hmmmm, really? pot calling the......
What if a poster said something bad about the top shooters (as a group) w/o mentioning any names at the short range benchrest supershoot (the ones that laughed about annealing) would that be breaking the rules? Just asking.

Doesn't seem that such a post would be an "offender" - depends on what the "something bad" looked like. In the beginning, the only rule here was that nobody got hurt....even if they asked for it.
Thanks for the answer. I still remember in the 70s when we (1000 yd B/R shooters) were considered the bastard child of the benchrest clan and I was letting things lay in the past but when I heard about the incident above it brought back some old memories, but what the hell I'll let them old dogs rest in peace. It ain't worth it.
Wait a minute

I have shot many matches with and against Jerry and he's as vocal at the match as he is here.

Don't say I never stick up for you Jerry.

Thanks Francis, love you too!! One of these days whenever we get old we'll laugh about whoever the idiot was who called who what!!

Its been kind of a sad day. We have been going through some of Mike Walkers stuff. Some of it I wish could talk. We agreed, we never saw him without a big smile on his face.
Jerry--I shot with him at Ridgeway Pa in the mid 70s hi-power silouhette shooting, he used what looked like a Rem 700 (you had to have a working magazine at that time) with a prototype B/R scope (similiar to the 20x, 24x Rem target scopes) that he told me was 16x or 17x. The caliber was the 6mm Rem necked up to 6.5. I don't remember the stock. He was very nice to talk to and he hung around with Clarence Detsch (bullet and die maker). He just retired or semi retired from Remington.
Jerry--I shot with him at Ridgeway Pa in the mid 70s hi-power silouhette shooting, he used what looked like a Rem 700 (you had to have a working magazine at that time) with a prototype B/R scope (similiar to the 20x, 24x Rem target scopes) that he told me was 16x or 17x. The caliber was the 6mm Rem necked up to 6.5. I don't remember the stock. He was very nice to talk to and he hung around with Clarence Detsch (bullet and die maker). He just retired or semi retired from Remington.

Dan, I think the last registered benchrest match Mike shot in was at Weikert, PA in the IBS Nationals. I was shooting one bench to his left. This was HV 100 and he shot pretty well for a 98 year old.This would have been 2009-2010? I know the next time we shot IBS Nats at Weikert I called Sue to tell her they could use my or Jim's camper to hang out in and rest but he had taken ill with a cold or something like that and didn't feel like taking the trip from North Carolina.

That old thumbhole stocked gun he shot in that match is for sale right now.

Jeff Stover, the then incoming president of the IBS had a picture made of Mike at the bench with Jeff standing beside him. I tried to get Brenan to use it as cover picture for PS magazine but Brenan refused, a shame!!

PS Dick Wright, he had a bunch of 22 Waldog brass (he had it marked 22 SPPC) and some Brigadier 322. I bought the 322, Ha!!
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Very interesting Jerry. When he shot at Ridgeway, Pa his wife always came with him. The scope I was teling you about I THINK was internally adjustable instead of the Unertl mounts (like the ones they sold, some were marked Unertl and some weren't) but I don't want to definetly say that because someone might have that scope and it might not be. But I do remember him telling me that he didn't know exactly if it was a 16 or 17 power. I ask him about the reducing the pull of the 700 trigger and he told me to ask Clarence Detsch, which I did. I think he liked the atmosphere at the Ridgeway range, there was a lot of really good offhand shots there, they even hold the Silouhette Nationals there every couple years. I'd like to make it up there to shoot their new Varmint silouhette B/R, man is that interesting. Look it up on their site, looks like one hell of a lot of fun. Nice people up there too.