Easthampton April 18th Matches



Thanks to all who participated at Easthampton yesterday. Fifteen shooters for a regular match is a record for this club.
The winds were tricky, but at least it was sunny and warm.

William Colbert 250 12
Gary Hamilton 249 15
Michael Gallant 246 12

Michael Gallant 249 12
Pete Wass 249 11
Kevin Ryan 248 16

Rich Janecyk 249 14/18
Gary Hamilton 249 14/16
Paul Vobecky 249 11

Gary Hamilton 249 17
Bob Griffin 247 12
Pete Wass 245 14

Gary Hamilton 250 18
Paul Vobecky 249 14
Keith Royal 247 8

Pete Wass 249 19
Paul Vobecky 248 16
Kevin Ryan 248 15

Congrats to William for his first 250 on Sporter. Welcome to the Connecticut guys to IR 50/50; hope to see you at more matches.
We greatly appreciate the help in cleaning up the range.

Easthampton Match

Congrats to all the winners and grinners as my good friend Al Hadfield used to say and
especially to William Colbert who took the sporter with a fine 250/12 in some pretty tricky
conditions. We'll be watching this guy with his Eck sporter.

Thank you Mike for another great match and for all you do
Thank you Walt and Don for setting up and thank the weather man for the great weather
Thank you Michael for hosting match and all the work you did to get ready.

Thanks for the kudos Ray. It was fun to finally get out and shoot, the Eck sporter is a joy to shoot. Just need a little more scope time with the heavy gun.

Best to all.
Thanks Michael for hosting another well run match. It was nice to shoot with everyone with that bad winter long behind us. I do miss Al and Penny Hadfield though. Congrats to the winners...

Congratulations to everyone in the winner's circle. A big congratulations to William and Rich for guiding my old guns so well under what must have been very challenging conditions.

Just a little advertising...I just placed an ad in the classifieds for the "littermate" to William's Sporter. Both these Sporters shoot equally well.

Again, congratulations to all. We missed being there.


The pup's gonna' be jealous!

Thanks Mike for a great run match.

Thanks again to Ray.
Thanks to the EastHampton crew!

Thanks for putting on a Great match and the food and drinks were Great. Been shooting indoors all winter! Was about at Amhurst when I realized I packed my flags and probes but forgot my stands?
Shared a bench for the first match so no problem! Peter Wass lent me stands for the afternoon match.
Great to shoot outdoors after the long cold snowy winter! Great to see everyone and the Shooters from Conn.
CT Shooters

Mike, The CT trio would like to thank you for a great time and all your help. This was the first IR50/50 match for all of us. We will be back. Rich

Thanks to Michael's help yesterday & today I have fixed a problem with the Scoring Program for Excel 2013!
You might also note the Results were up on the IR50/50 website yesterday thanks to Michael emailing them in a timely matter!:D
C T. Shooters

We got a three gun followed by an Unlimited coming up this Saturday at Angle Tree Stone Rod and Gun
Hope to see the CT. boys along with the gang. Bobby got the wind machine all
tuned up and ready to go, Hope to see all the gang and I'm sure gonna miss the two people that helped
me and Bobby so much. Penny and Al Hadfield.
Thanks Michael

As usual, a great match. I enjoyed seeing all my old pals again as well as meeting the new ones. Good to see folks building new rifles and jumpin in to some of the most fun one can have sitting up. Hope to see allyall again soon.

Help, I left some gear behind at Easthampton's 4/18 BR match......

In preparation for tomorrow's match at Angletree, I just realized that I left my good extra long cleaning rod and my cleaning stand on the bench in the pistol range next to the BR match range at Easthampton's match last week. Does anyone know if some kind soul collected it and kept it safe for return to the forgetful owner?

Hopefully, it did not sprout legs and walk away.
Congratulations on a great Match!

I just came back from fishing and went to have a coffee and scan the internet and decided to check out Benchrest Central. Looks like you all had a great match on 4/18 with some impressive scores and shooters. I noticed that Walt and Don weren't listed under shooters as I remember them back about 5 years ago as being real competitive shooters. I noticed their names and being there and involved in setup and was hoping that they were both doing fine. Seems like a long time ago since I was involved. Please say hello to them all and hope to catch you at the next shoot.

When is your next shoot? I would like to see how you run it and catch up on seeing my old friends.

Keep up the good work Michael, you are sure a great organizer and shooter for this competition.


Thanks to all who participated at Easthampton yesterday. Fifteen shooters for a regular match is a record for this club.
The winds were tricky, but at least it was sunny and warm.

William Colbert 250 12
Gary Hamilton 249 15
Michael Gallant 246 12

Michael Gallant 249 12
Pete Wass 249 11
Kevin Ryan 248 16

Rich Janecyk 249 14/18
Gary Hamilton 249 14/16
Paul Vobecky 249 11

Gary Hamilton 249 17
Bob Griffin 247 12
Pete Wass 245 14

Gary Hamilton 250 18
Paul Vobecky 249 14
Keith Royal 247 8

Pete Wass 249 19
Paul Vobecky 248 16
Kevin Ryan 248 15

Congrats to William for his first 250 on Sporter. Welcome to the Connecticut guys to IR 50/50; hope to see you at more matches.
We greatly appreciate the help in cleaning up the range.

Congratulations on a great Match!

I just came back from fishing and went to have a coffee and scan the internet and decided to check out Benchrest Central. Looks like you all had a great match on 4/18 with some impressive scores and shooters. I noticed that Walt and Don weren't listed under shooters as I remember them back about 5 years ago as being real competitive shooters. I noticed their names and being there and involved in the setup and was hoping that they were both doing fine. Seems like a long time ago since I was involved. Please say hello to them all and hope to catch you at the next shoot.

When is your next shoot? I would like to see how you run it and catch up on seeing my old friends.

Keep up the good work Michael, you are sure a great organizer and shooter for this competition.


Thanks to all who participated at Easthampton yesterday. Fifteen shooters for a regular match is a record for this club.
The winds were tricky, but at least it was sunny and warm.

William Colbert 250 12
Gary Hamilton 249 15
Michael Gallant 246 12

Michael Gallant 249 12
Pete Wass 249 11
Kevin Ryan 248 16

Rich Janecyk 249 14/18
Gary Hamilton 249 14/16
Paul Vobecky 249 11

Gary Hamilton 249 17
Bob Griffin 247 12
Pete Wass 245 14

Gary Hamilton 250 18
Paul Vobecky 249 14
Keith Royal 247 8

Pete Wass 249 19
Paul Vobecky 248 16
Kevin Ryan 248 15

Congrats to William for his first 250 on Sporter. Welcome to the Connecticut guys to IR 50/50; hope to see you at more matches.
We greatly appreciate the help in cleaning up the range.

Oh Boy, a lollipop shoot! That sounds like you're getting set to have a few of our fancier air rifles also join in the fun. I'll bet my Open Class .22 popgun could hold court with most of the rimfires out to maybe 75 Yards, or more. And I know Paul's could do a number too.