East Coast Regional/World Postal Results. 747-38X agg shot with a Maruader! Long post


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The 4 match, 12 target weekend kicked off Friday afternoon with 8 of the eventual 12 shooters at the range for practice, tuning and some "show and tell". Rick Ingraham had Chip Smith's monster Sumo out and Mark Normandin had 4 or 5 of Dave G.'s gorgeous rifles on display and available to try out. Tom Brown arrived at the range in his 1952 Greyhound bus towing his smoker at 8:30pm after a little unintentional sightseeing trying to find the range.

Sat. morning arrived with the weather just as predicted, hot and steamy. We had 10 shooters from 4 states including Art Duell who traveled 350 miles from Central PA on his Honda Goldwing towing all of his gear and guns in a trailer. Jock Elliott came to cover the match and it didn't take much convincing to get him on the line with a couple of borrowed rifles. Top 3 for each target and top 3 aggs for LV are as follows:
Light Varmint
Target 1
Dan Brown (EV-2) 248-10X
Paul Bendix(MPR) 247-9X
Art Duell (?) 242-8X

Target 2
Dan Brown 249-12X
Rick Ingraham (Dawson Custom) 246-10X
Mark Normandin (EV-2?) 246-4X

Target 3
Dan Brown 249-11X
Daniel Finney (EV-2) 247-12X
Mark Normandin 244-6X

Dan Brown 746-33X
Daniel Finney 731-34X
Rick Ingraham 730-22X

After the LV match we headed up to the clubhouse for the best meal I've ever had at a match, and I've been to a few! Tom and Rachel Brown cooked up enough pulled pork, ribs and chicken to feed an army, we had two dozen ears of "cooler corn" (google it, it's delicious!) and pounds of potato and macaroni salad as well as a surprise when Dan's wife drove over from NH with a big tub of her awesome pasta salad.

When we were done stuffing ourselves it was back out into the heat for the HV match. Temps were in the 90's and the wind picked up but that didn't stop Dan Brown and Daniel Finney from dominating the rest of the field. Dave Shattuck hung right in there with them though. Here's the top 3 on each target and the agg:
Heavy Varmint
Target 1
Daniel Finney (.177 Marauder) 249-12X
Dan Brown (EV-2) 246-12X
Dave Shattuck(Rapid) 243-9X

Target 2

Todd Banks (Dawson) 249-11X
Dan Brown 248-9X
Dave Shattuck 247-13X

Target 3
Daniel Finney 248-16X
Dave Shattuck 248-12X
Dan Brown 247-13X

Daniel Finney 741-35X
Dan Brown 741-34X
Dave Shattuck 738-34X

More pulled pork and ribs for dinner after the HV match followed by the drawing for the door prizes. Bad Brad Neise won the .177 Marauder donated by Crosman and shot it for both matches on Sunday. Rick Ingraham took home the Omega mini-tank donated by Airguns of Arizona. Other prizes included Dawson Custom t-shirts(very cool!) and Patchworm cleaning kits.

Sunday morning was as hot as Sat. and with a front moving in and winds already approaching 10mph by 9am we decided we'd shoot both the World Postal and Open class matches before lunch. We shot 6 targets, broke down the range, loaded vehicles, ate lunch and by 1:45pm everyone was on the way home.

This is where it gets good (about time, right?). We shot the World Postal match first. 19 yr old Daniel Finney (Dan Brown's son) put on a clinic for the rest of us in some very tough conditions with his custom .177 Marauder, shooting a possible World Record 747-38X, including the only 250 of the weekend on target 3. His Marauder is in the factory stock, AND he shoots off blocks of wood and leather bags. WOW! Here are the scores:
World Postal
Target 1
Daniel Finney 248-10X
Dan Brown (EV-2) 248-9X
Todd Banks (Dawson) 244-9X

Target 2
Daniel Finney 249-13X
Mark Normandin(TM 1000) 248-10X
Todd Banks 248-10X

Target 3
Daniel Finney 250-15X
Todd Banks 248-13X
Dan Brown 248-10X

Daniel Finney 747-38X
Todd Banks 740-28X
Dan Brown 738-26X

The last match of the weekend brought out the big guns in Open Class. Here are the results for that match:
Target 1
Todd Banks (Dawson) 247-8X
Daniel Finney (M-rod) 245-7X(first miss 4)
Rick Ingraham (Sumo) 245-7X(first miss 5)

Target 2
Dan Brown (FX Custom) 249-14X
Todd Banks 248-11X
Rick Ingraham 248-9X

Target 3
Todd Banks 249-9X
Rick Ingraham 247-5X
Dan Brown 244-10X

Todd Banks 744-28X
Rick Ingraham 740-21X
Dan Brown 737-35X

I cannot thank everyone enough for all the effort put out to make this match as much fun as it was. Rick for his tireless efforts to promote the match and obtain door prizes, Tom and Rachel for the awesome bbq, all of the shooters for their generous donations and help, Fred for helping to score, and most of all, Pete Roberson who scored all of the targets, called the line and kept things running so smoothly. I can't wait to do it again next year!!!!
Todd Banks
Thanks for a great report Todd.

Daniel is really shooting the custom Marauder super well! What a great job of reworking a very good basic rig by Dan Brown! This just shows what can be done with just about the lowest priced starter rig anyone could start with. Dan is not by any means, your average tinkerer, but still look what can be done with that Marauder! Very impressive!

And really great shooting by everyone at the match!

Todd, sounds like you really put on a great match, and everyone had a super great time.

Thanks for all you do for the sport!

Wayne Burns
Hats off to Daniel!!!!! That is outstanding shooting. Looks like you all had a good time and shot well. Thanks, for the report.
Yes, the 747-38X that Daniel shot is a new world record for outdoor venues. To only drop 3 points on a target with a 2mm 10 ring in tough outdoor conditions is quite an accomplishment and demonstrates how far this sport has progressed in such a short time.

This is the first of 3 regional matches being held for Team USA members and individuals to participate in the 2012 World Postal Championships. Todd Banks and Rick Ingraham did a great job organizing this event and have proven, once again, what great people are associated with our sport.
Congratulations to all.

Thank you for taking this sport to a whole new level and obviously eliminating the "Backwater Sport" image.

You have exceded both our dreams and expectations.

A sincere thanks to everyone of you that made this work.

Frank Tirrell
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Todd,Rick,Pete,& Fred,
Thanks for running a Great Shoot well worth the 950 mile round trip from Maine. Will post a few pictures.
Sat Group


Todd sizing pellets using the coil spring in a clothes pin?

Tom winning Chip Smith's SUMO


Dan's New SEB rest


Dan's first shot with the SUMO after replacing blown out o ring.

Great Food every meal from Tom and his wife!

Rick's LV Dawson with EV-2 barrel and Curly maple stock


Sun Morning Group, Brad with his M-Rod he won and shot well on Sunday with it.

Tom's 1950's GMC bus and smoker with over 8 million miles on it.

Art's Ride

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That kid can't possibly shoot that well, just look at the front rest...........a stack of boards?
Does he not own a SINCLAIR catalog?

Say it isn't so Ethel.

If he can shoot a Marauder right handed with a lefty stock from wood blocks and do that good I cant wait to see how things go for him from here on out.
Thank You all for attending . We had good people , good shooting , and good food That added up to good fun .
Tod, I would like you to contact me ASAP on obtaining the rights to manufacture and distribuite your state of the art avant-garde pellet sizing die. Please contact my attorney U. Ben Hadd on the financial details.

Would also like the rights to use a photo of that hybrid Chihuahua dog of yours on the label.

Please advise.

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Thank you Todd and Rick, for all your hard work putting on this shoot, what a great bunch to compete with. Also thanks to all the Sponsors and especially Chip for the Sumo, Dawson's custom actions and last but certainly not least my friend DaveG for allowing 4 of the family to make the trip from W Virginia. His work is more beautiful up close, a true Artist! Also again CONGRATS to all the winners and especially Master Daniel, ( after seeing him shoot his Mrod I thought a lot of expensive BR gear would be on the yellow today! )

Looks like you guys had a great time. I've put on a couple small non official shoots in the past, and I did not have time to sit down and shoot. Rick and Todd, I don't know how you guys pulled the match off like you did and still able to shoot and score well. Congrats guys.
Tod, I would like you to contact me ASAP on obtaining the rights to manufacture and distribuite your state of the art avant-garde pellet sizing die. Please contact my attorney U. Ben Hadd on the financial details.

Would also like the rights to use a photo of that hybrid Chihuahua dog of yours on the label.

Please advise.

My lawyers, Dewey, Cheatum and Howe will be in contact to hash out the details. We will also have to work out Max's deal with his agent, Al Poe.

Did anyone get pictures of Dave G.'s rifles? If so, please post them. Those rifles are too beautiful not to share!

A little story about Daniel. I shot on the bench just to the left of Daniel, so I knew he was shooting the same condition I was. We were matching each other shot for shot and sitting back when that condition went away, which it did for long periods. I looked over at one point and watched Daniel sitting there trying to stack .177 pellets on top of each other on the bench, glancing up at the flags from time to time. I figured it was some kind of Zen exercise and I can't wait to try it myself at the next match!!

I'm glad everyone enjoyed the match as much as we enjoyed hosting it!
Congrats on a successful Match, outstanding shooting. It's always nice to hear everyone had a great time and Congrats to Daniel. Tom scored big winning Chips Sumo.:D

Rick was complaining that he was losing points due to a hungry grasshopper eating his wind flag ribbon,


Todd, Pete, Fred and Rick that was an AWESOME SHOOT! I can't wait to do it again next year! This was my first outdoor airgun match and sure won't be my last!

Daniel, you put on a clinic, great shooting!

I can't say thanks enough for the Marauder and everyone who made it possible to shoot the next day!!! Paul loaned me a scope and pellets, Daniel kept the thing full of air, and Dan loaned me some bags and worked on the trigger before I took it home. Mark loaned me Kroil and a Patchworm to clean it. Rick loaned me a case to keep it in overnight. Todd, thank you for the single shot adapter! I can't tell you how tickled I am!

It was a lot of fun to check out all the custom guns, Dave G and Chip's SUMO! Chip, I gotta say that SUMO is AWESOME! I only shot it a little but boy it shot like a laser! Oh, and that titanium tube, I gotta have one!

We ate like kings all weekend! Man it was a lot of fun!
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