Earth Quake

I understand that Obama said it was from the Bush's fault. We had several minor earthquakes when we lived in Alaska. We did not have a major one either time that we lived there.

The big Alaskan quake was in March of '64 just 3 months before the Niigata quake. Both epicenters are on the Pacific "Ring of Fire". Be glad you missed "the big one". The pictures I've seen showed amazing destruction.


President Obama has just confirmed that the DC earthquake occurred on a rare and obscure fault-line, apparently known as "Bush's Fault". He also announced that the Secret Service and Maxine Waters will be investigating the quake's suspicious ties to the Tea Party. Meanwhile, Conservatives have proven that the epicenter was not in Virginia as reported by the Liberal news outlets, but rather in a small graveyard outside of DC, caused by our Founding Fathers rolling over in their graves.
or this heory...

but really that what we thought to be an earthquake was actually the aftermath of a single 14.6 trillion dollar check bouncing.
Alinwa............................................ ..............................

What ever happened to that crazy joker MrD that we use to rehabilitate when Obama was running for president???
Alinwa............................................ ..............................

Let's hope for the sake of our country and our children's future we will win next November!!!:)
Yeah..I was at t he computer and the wall behind the screen in a brick home began to shake. I thought I wa having a stroke :). never felt anything like that. The painters were outside that day and I thought then that they were banging the ladders against the side of the house. Lasted about 20 secs than over. No damage.

Later I saw on the news that there was an earthquake.
I was in an construction office trailer, and thought somebody backed their pickup into the trailer. Looked outside, no pickup nearby. Asked the engineers running the road redo job if they were blasting down the road, or was that an earthquake. Ahh, yer crazy, they said. They were right, but for the wrong reasons.....