E-Mail address for Bob Scoville needed



Does anyone have a current E-mail address for Bob Scoville. I want to get my action back from him that I sent to him in February. I have left him voice mails and he has not called back so I want to try an E-mail.
If you sent it in february its getting real close to time for it to be done! If you dont want it you should take delivery of it and make a few hundred
Not sure about being real close Dusty as i have one thats been there since last November. I can only hope that i have it for this Spring.
Not sure about being real close Dusty as i have one thats been there since last November. I can only hope that i have it for this Spring.

In Bob's defense, last December he had both shoulders worked on, and just recently, I think October he had a knee replaced, both major surgeries. When you get your stock it will be a work of art.

Dan Honert

ps: try sending him a message on face book, I've had luck with that.
Uhhhhhhh hate hearing that BUT I'm still keeping my hopes up. This is my very first benchrest gun and just ah little anxious to get it. Being a total novice to this game i did learn one thing, some items like rests, stocks, etc you just pay your money and Stand In Line. ?
You ever thought about buying a used one to get goin with then passing it on later? You usually dont lose money on a used gun and always need a spare anyway.
Yeah i did consider it Dusty but in the end i wanted it with everything that i wanted on it, the action, stock, barrel, not to mention the gunsmith that would do my build.Guess im ah a buy once cry once kinda guy. As for a spare i guess that would be nice but at this point i would rather aquire a decent rest,components and some loading tools that i didnt already have.
I hope it all works out. If you plan to shoot this up coming year and want to test barrels and bullets any at all. If you don't see it soon and are getting no reply. I would definitely look for a used gun. Then like Dusty says if and when the new rig is finished you could sell the other. Keep in mind just because it's a new rig doesn't necessarily mean it's a shooter
Yea i hope it works out too. I hate that youve caught him at a bad time but if youre a buy once kinda guy itll be worth the wait.
I agree dusty, ill just bide my time, and i can understand buying a used gun to a point but from all the advice ive seen on this forum most everyone says you can expect to rebarrel a used gun and to me i ask myself isnt that the reason i decided to buy a new one in the first place. I mean most decent used guns are gonna set you back $1700-$2000 then the cost of a new barrel, thats over half of a new one and im not really in the busines of selling guns so im just gonna have to be a little more patient. I know Bobs stocks are really nice as my gunsmith has ah few of them.
ask again,,,wrong Bob

OP,,,,you are asking for Bob Scoville and you are getting contact info for Bob Scarborugh (sp),,,either of the stock makers will make you a great product,,,

,,,,be patient and wait for your stock,,,you are getting one of the best that there is ,,you are getting a work of art from a craftsman,,,,,,get a used gun and shoot it until your new one arrives,,,you will put a lot of round count on the "old" gun and have your reloading routine down pat when the "new" gun arrives,,,Roger
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