Drone shot down, ground to air fire:

I couldn’t think of a response, so here are two of them: take your choice.

1: Good shot!

2: I hear they’re breeding seals for the upcoming baby harp seal head bashing contest…. But we all know the pit-bull fight in the clubhouse is the real attraction.
At some point aerial photography becomes trespass but I have no idea what that point might be.

If the drone was brough down by shotgun fire it couldn't have been much above 100 feet high.
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If they're doing aerial surveillance with commercial intent (sell footage to peta, youtube or local news). I hope they have their FCC & FAA commercial operator permits, or maybe the laws have changed.

Back in the early days of this type of thing I was doing some R/C fly by video. I guess I got noticed because I was asked by pm to call the head of the FAA. He explained that if you had any intent (and INTENT was the key word) of making money doing this kind of flying, you needed a commercial UA license ( UA back then UAS today I guess).
And the last time I talked with the FCC, if used for profit they require a commercial license even if the device is a consumer legal part-5 device! Talk about big government at its worst.
If you're doing it for fun, anything goes.
I have no idea what happened with the rules after that. I went back to target shooting lol. :D
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This world is changing and not for the better. I have seen reports on what the feds are doing with their high flying drones with super spy cameras and infra red equipment. Can you say "Big Brother"??? Privacy is a thing of the past.
This world is changing and not for the better. I have seen reports on what the feds are doing with their high flying drones with super spy cameras and infra red equipment. Can you say "Big Brother"??? Privacy is a thing of the past.

Indiviual Liberty or liberty, in general, had become a thing of the past. "Tis better to be that which we destroy than in distruction dwell in doubtful joy". Will was a perceptive soul, wasn't he?
Seems like it was a setup and the damage was created by them. The man pulled off one smoking part and threw it to the side and we all know there would have been extensive damage to the rest of the vehicle provided by a typical 40 inch shot pattern. The odds of it making a return trip would probably have been highly unlikely.
Good grief! A gunshot or a battery pack exploding?

The second photo with the box shaped object with blue shrink wrapped plastic around it is a lithium battery pack. The extreme power usage of a hovering "remote flying machine" or "octocopter" as they call it could well have cooked the battery.

Remember reading how sometimes lithium batteries catch fire when they're running your laptop? Try driving 8 motors on a remote control drone with a camera, GPS and guidance electronics that let it fly back to you after its battery has popped.

The first shot with the damaged camera could be from a pellet, but I'm willing to bet is was damaged by the battery. SHARK's insurance probably doesn't cover lithium batteries when their duty cycle's been exceeded. And what makes the better story?


PS I'd rather shoot an octocopter than a pigeon! YEAH!!
At some point aerial photography becomes trespass but I have no idea what that point might be.

If the drone was brough down by shotgun fire it couldn't have been much above 100 feet high.

Time to break out the 10 gauge extra full choke guns!
They certainly won't be eating meat. Perhaps its just a case of too much roughage that causes their illness.
At the risk of sounding "political" I myself don't diss anyone for airing their beliefs and acting on them. At least they have beliefs.... it is my position that if one is led to true veganism them SO BE IT, I respect that. As long as they don't wear leather, use animal-based products or support animal based testing. As long as they'll die instead of subjecting themselves to medical treatments that were developed via animal testing, as long as they BELIEVE I'll shake their hand and wish them the best.

Invading someone's airspace though, peeping on and videotaping their private pursuits is a crime. It IS a crime, no law has been passed infringing on one's right to privacy far as I know. If me an' mama are videotaped by some RC geek as we disport ourselves nekkidly in our backyard I feel that both the law of the land AND public sentiment would favor us. (well maybe not the public blighted by viewing the video, but that's a whole nuther worm....)

In My Opinion

That’s like saying if you hunt, you’d be a hypocrite if you didn’t support pit-bull fighting.
Ever use Google Earth?

Or, they have never been shat on by a pigeon.

Should start a list of everything on earth that hasn't been "shat on by a pigeon"
I'll start.
1: Bigfoot
2: ET (Not the movie ones.)