Drillin' holes in a barrel

The Quill idea seems interesting. Might be a bit unusual at the range -start screwing bicycle spokes in the bbl will probably draw a crowd. -maybe the guys in white jackets too, lol.

It will probably change something, just might work, maybe make the bbl dead still as the quills shake. I haven't even made it to tuners yet so i will be way back here bringing up the rear.

Mr. Wilbur if you get around to building your "Quill Gun" i for one would like to see a pic.... now would the quills be better in front of the muzzle or behind, here we go! joe:)
Mr Pacecil, I thank you for your astute observation. I did indeed multiply instead of divide, however the answer is still correct because when I did it on paper I did it correctly. Please don't be embarrassed by someone else's mistake. It is for them to be embarrassed, not you. Fortunately you are not the only engineer on this forum, and having seen your past mistakes, I would think you would be more embarrassed then me. If Wilbur so chooses to delete this thread because I typed an error, It won't bother me in the least because your post will go with it.

Jim Brossman - Senior Engineer and consultant.

When I make a mistake I will own up to it and use my real name. Will you?

Hey Jim, Cecil here majored in math with a minor in diplomacy. Don't beat youself up, if being wrong on an internet forum was against the law he'd be on death row.
Hey Wilbur, I'm not sure if this was asked in this context but for what it's worth the .22 SAAMI max pressure is over 20,000 but most match stuff is mid teens and maxes out in the first 12-15". No fancy math and I don't know but I know the guy that knows. Not sure if that helps any.

P. S. for what it's worth I did a secret ballot here and it's been decided 122-2 that Cecil will henceforth be required to sign all posts with the following: "I do not actually shoot benchrest anywhere on planet earth, I just pretend to on the internet" Thanks for your kind attention.

Hey Wilbur, I'm not sure if this was asked in this context but for what it's worth the .22 SAAMI max pressure is over 20,000 but most match stuff is mid teens and maxes out in the first 12-15". No fancy math and I don't know but I know the guy that knows. Not sure if that helps any.

P. S. for what it's worth I did a secret ballot here and it's been decided 122-2 that Cecil will henceforth be required to sign all posts with the following: "I do not actually shoot benchrest anywhere on planet earth, I just pretend to on the internet" Thanks for your kind attention.

Tim, give me a break, 122 to 2. Who was the other person??????
As some might note, it turns out the only mistake I made was believing that pacecil knew what he was talking about. My original formula and answer are correct.

It turns out that jgee and I were posting the the same time. I was trying to correct jgee's original post. It turns out that 348 pounds on an area of the size of a #29 drill is substantial but even with only 1/16 of an inch between the bottom of the hole and the bore should withstand that force.
Old style radio antenna

When we were kid's we build ZIP Guns to shoot rats with, and we used car anntenna sections that would accept a 22 Long. Never blew one up, but shot lots of rat's.
I'm making a "porcupine" barrel.

Some years ago a guy at the nuclear plant put a single "quill" on a pump casing and transferred the shaft vibration to the quill. It was a small pump that circulated hot water for building heat. You could put your finger on the 24 inch threaded rod he used and actually hear the transfer of vibration back to the pump.

Like this porcupine?

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It's obvious that all involved knows what jgee was gettin' at - even me. An example would be the rush that centerfire guys got in a while back where we were reducing the diameter of our firing pins so we could increase the velocity (more powder) and not "blank' the primer.

I'm making a "porcupine" barrel.

Some years ago a guy at the nuclear plant put a single "quill" on a pump casing and transferred the shaft vibration to the quill. It was a small pump that circulated hot water for building heat. You could put your finger on the 24 inch threaded rod he used and actually hear the transfer of vibration back to the pump. Later, working with a problem vibration on a much larger safety related pump (the variety that shuts the plant down) they discovered that sliding a weight up and down the rod made a difference and that it didn't matter much about the orientation of the rod to the pump shaft.

Then.....the Georgia "Mafia" reported a largely ignored phenomena where the muzzle velocity changed when the tuner was adjusted.

Probably will use a straight taper and while I'm at it orientate the quills both perpendicular and angular to the bore. At least have the holes drilled where I can put more or less as I go. I suppose I should ask of the machinist types how difficult it would be to drill/make a hole ...say...60 degrees to the bore??

Wilbur, is this for a rimfire barrel? If it is, it might work the same by boring a piece of aluminum to slide over your barrel. Since the barrel is a straight taper slit it and clamp to the barrel. Make a dummy section to match your barrel and clamp aluminum piece to it. Use a dividing head to drill the aluminum piece for the quills. I would drill angular holes 30 degrees instead of 60 degrees because it would be easier. Use aluminum tubing for quills and fill with the rubber i use on my rest to absorb vibrations. Just an idea or not.
"Georgia Mafia"

Who is the Georgia "Mafia"? Does he post here?

The GA Mafia consists/consisted of several excellent competitors. Bob & Rod Collins, Gary Mitchell, Phil Deese, Tommy Cravey, Wayne Smith, "Stump"...to name a few.
Yes, rimfire barrel

Surely would be easier to make rings but would need them skinny to pass in the stock channel. I ain't talking about two or three stickups but rather a whole bunch along the entire length of the barrel...excluding the underside where the stock prevents it. Anywhere I can put one.....
Surely would be easier to make rings but would need them skinny to pass in the stock channel. I ain't talking about two or three stickups but rather a whole bunch along the entire length of the barrel...excluding the underside where the stock prevents it. Anywhere I can put one.....

How long and what diameter of spikes are you talking?
Drillin Holes

Wilbur, I think I understand your original question a little better now that you have explained the "Quill" installation and the given rationale. The pressure within the barrel is dispersed throughout the length from breach to muzzle equally in all directions as the projectile moves and deminishes with this travel. Highest point of pressure being at the breach and normally the largest diameter of the barrel's overall length. There are two types of vibration that you are trying to deal with, mechanical and sonic. Mechanical vibes come from the mechanism that actually fires the cartridge, and sonic from the explosion caused by the mechanism. We deal with these 2 vibrations differently in .22 Rimfire Benchrest. Vibrations exist in everything and can never be nulled completely to zero. In our game we use the bedding and the stock to absorb and dampen the mechanical side of these vibrations and the tuner to dampen the sonic vibes. Vibrations like electricity and fluids travel thru the path of least resistance and by adding the "quills" you would be adding additional paths for these vibes to flow thru, however they will still exist, even within the added "quills". They now have become "directional" in that you will not be able to attach all of your quills equidistant around the entire circumferance of the barrel and through the entire length of the barrel. As far as safety goes though, if you stay within .150 to .200 of the bore the existing pressure will not cause a barrel failure. Thumper
Still looking for that answer Wilbur............?

Hi Wilbur,

Seems like this thing morphed into the usual. Let's see if I can make a suggestion or two. A rule of thumb to consider, you need (OK maybe not need) but it is a good idea to have 1 diameter + 2 threads, how deep will you need to drill the tap hole? It may be as much as 1.5 to 2 times the diameter. This may help you to determine how close your hole bottom is to the bore.

I'd like to see whiskers on a rail gun videoed at ultra hi-speed. I bet it would be interesting to see the harmonic progression.

As far as safety goes though, if you stay within .150 to .200 of the bore the existing pressure will not cause a barrel failure. Thumper


What factor of safety are you using? With a safety factor of three, 0.050" from the bore should be sufficient to prevent any pressure induced problems.

Wilbur, why would you need to drill for you quills? You could have the barrel EDM'd, you could TIG the quills, you could probably play with a variety of industrial adhesive applications, all kinds of interesting possabilities.