Down-draft Indicators?



I feel that down-drafts at our "bowl" range are causing rounds to drop when flags are almost vertical. Has anyone built a successful device that shows down-drafts and up-drafts?

I'm thinking of designing and building a couple to try, but would rather not re-invent the wheel.

John Picher
Thank you all.

I'll probably end up buying a nice one, but am going to try making a simple one that can be attached to my wind flags first.

Down Draft

James Pappas makes one of the best wind flags that also shows up and down drafts...

I am going to get a pair this weekend...
Well Kent

You know how I like my toys. Always looking for something new trying to get an edge. Allan Hall laughs everytime he sees me at a shoot, cause he thinks I have too much stuff. My motto is " If I can't shoot good, I want to look good trying". My last shoot at Gene Corvins was a train wreck, so I'm always on the look for something new that may help out.:D
Of course you know I was just joking, and I think James was too, maybe.
You shoot really well with the wind blowing. I've seen you do it. Thats' the game. You coming up for the Kettlefoot shoot? If you are I'm taking my best rifle, just wish I ahd some good ammo:).
Kent and James, I know!

Wish I were, but it's just too far to travel alone and too costly for a one day shoot. It's 10.5 hrs each way and at least 2 nights in a motel. Will for sure be seeing you at the Nat's in Aug, will be bringing a new shooter with me to get the experience.:p
I made one myself. It's really crude and will only show major downdrafts, but is mounted on my wind flag pivot. I made it out of the top two inches of a #10 can, cutting four blades into the top with my moto-tool. When the wind is turbulent, it rocks, but downdrafts make it turn. Clockwise is downdraft. Target dots on the black-painted side show the movement.

Wind was very low at the last match, so didn't use it, but it worked great on a practice day. Cost $0.

Plain old surveyors ribbon will show updrafts pretty good but downdrafts are another story.
Doug Weeter

Doug Weeter made the best one years ago and it's design is free, I use one every time I shoot. Just look on his web site to see how to make one.
Bob Collins