Donna Hall.


From Iceland

Dear Sirs.

Dear Sirs.

I am from Iceland and a long time (1968) student of BR shooting.
An avid reader of Precision Shooting and Rifle Magazine from the start.
My question: Is (was) Mrs. Donna Hall the wife of Mr. Allan Hall the action maker?

Magnus Sigurdsson

The Donna Hall you are speaking of, I believe, was Donna Stekl when I was young man, I am 54 now. She was married to Jim Stekl who worked for Remington and one of main guys behind 6BR cartridge. Jim and Donna divorced and she then married Mr. Hall from Arizona, I cannot remember his first name. Donna Hall was not married to Allan Hall of Hall Mfg.

Donna Hall

I believe Donna Hall WAS the wife of Allen Hall. She was also a very good bench rest shooter.
We are going back more than 40 years now.
Ask ask Allen.
Hi Butch,
Yesterday when I was spying the Benchrest forum I noticed the discussion and confusion about two different gals named Donna who shot benchrest back when the world was young. So I dug out some old magazines and found the attached cover from winter 1971 issue of Rifle Magazine. Back then Rifle was the official journal of NBRSA, and that issue had coverage of the 1971 NBRSA Vamint & Sporter Nationals held at Kelby's range. The cute gal on the cover was Donnalee Stekl. She and her husband Jim were very active in benchrest at that, with both winning matches and setting records. I knew them both quite well and in fact I took this cover photo. She won the Sporter class that year, and some other stuff as well.
For anyone interested, this may clear up which Donna Donnalee Stekl was. The other Donna was the wife of action maker Allen Hall. Whom I also knew from the old days.

From somebody that really knows.


This is the young Lady.
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