Does the neck thickness get thinner as the brass is weared?

If with all that said it was accurate then,,,,,,, if and some do get 20 or more firings from a case and we continually trim that case to length then eventually we would have trimmed the neck all of the way down to the shoulder. And I have never seen that happen yet.
Also if it keeps stretching at the case head wouldn't there be a head separation after just a few firings?

The amount of stretch is related to the amount of space - if there is a lot of space, the case can separate in 3 or 4 firings, if there is minimal space, it might take 20 or 30 (or more) firings, if the case is long enough to have a crush fit to the chamber, it will not stretch or separate.
Since this is the Center Fire Benchrest forum there should be extremely little head space.
But it still grows.
I have checked mine in the past and actually turned them again. They were thicker just above the shoulder at the neck. It was as jerry described as it seemed to turn as though there were valleys and peaks.
XBBR is right.
But even with zero HS, cases still grow -only because you FL size. That's where you move brass.
I don't FL size & I never have, or will have to trim, beyond initial preps.
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That's not right. I shot a PPC using a wilson neck die (6PPC & 22 Waldog) for years. Still had to trim every so often. FL sizing can increase the rate but doesn't cause it by itself. If what is being passed here is correct...then why don't brass all flow the same out of the same lot?

Try this, Neck size with a bushing only. Fire cases 10 times after you rub them down with alcohol. Then fire 10 with the same load but slightly (very slighty) lube the outside of the cases. The lube ones will grow faster.

With what's being said by some. Some of us would be having case seperation problems all the time. I have cases that have well over 30 firings on them. I know Kent H. won two HV grands at the supershoot with cases around 70-80 firings (his own words) and he FL sizes every time.

Some of this expert adive sounds fishy.
