Does LV shoot better than HV?

OK, think I've got it now. Both LV and HV run at the same speed, give or take, but the HV pellet is heavier....right?

Are the speeds controlled by the rules?

The governing factor is muzzle energy, 12ft/lbs for LV and 20ft/lbs for HV (more info here:

In essence you can have any speed or weight you want, provided that when the correct formulas are applied you are within the energy restrictions stated above.


The classes are also governed by all up weight. LV limit is 10.5 lbs.....HV is 15 lbs....USA Open is 25 lbs.

All 3 of my rifles weigh less than 10 lbs with scope.....additional weight has not made any detectable difference for me. Some claim that it does.

Mike - That bit deserves some thanks as well. Geez guys...I know it's much easier than it sounds but it seems a large task if you're not actually doing it. :)

I've got to quit using that smiley face. From now on, just assume I'm smiling - you won't be wrong much.
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Cobus Viljoen from South Africa won the LV class at the World Championship in Brisbane. He used the same 12fpe Steyr for HV class but could not repeat the scores he shot in LV in tougher conditions and finished 35th in HV.
LV - 738 30x 1st position
HV - 719 21x 35th position

On the other hand his son Stefan Viljoen, shooting the exact same 12fpe Steyr in both LV and HV managed to improve his LV score in HV to finish 4th in HV (highest position in HV shooting a LV rifle).
LV - 729 18x 19th position
HV - 732 18x 4th position

Obviously they shot in different relays and that could explain the difference - bench position were the same for both.

I think one conclusion is that it is very difficult to prove or disprove whether fpe alone explains accuracy outdoors.

Mike's test with his friends shooting simultaneously comes closest to a controlled experiment. Even then, there may be differences in barrels, pellet accuracy, shooter technique, etc. I believe the latest Thomas has adjustable fpe - which would allow using the same barrel/pellet while just varying fpe. But then you have to shoot at different times so wind remains a variable!